來源: https://bit.ly/2uwa5NW
直播網址: https://t.co/b6tGNWVq09
最新消息 確定於1/24 9:25 a.m. PST.開始有直播首飛
Our #777X is ready to fly tomorrow, subject to weather and other factors. Our
live broadcast will begin at 9:25 a.m. PST. Join us as our new airplane
begins the next phase of its rigorous test program.
來源: https://bit.ly/2NSogE6
更新一下 因為天氣關係延期到1/24 首飛
We are postponing the #777X first flight that was scheduled to take place
tomorrow, Jan. 23, due to weather. The team is currently assessing the
possibility of flying on January 24. Stay tuned for updates.
來源: https://www.facebook.com/104563622953080/posts/2707507592658657/?d=n
原文: https://bit.ly/2NNAHB3
CONFIRMED / Boeing: “After years of design and testing, it’s almost time to
fly. The #777X will make its first flight on January 23, subject to weather and
other factors.” The 777-9 test aircraft should depart at around 10:00 Seattle
time. #boeinglovers #777XFF
本來去年就要試飛然後今年交機的777X 因為一些因素延到今年首飛
不過聽說777X 好像也有遇到737Max的一些軟體問題不知道解了沒
希望波音能記取737Max的教訓 做好完善的測試阿...