nyrnu (B-18901)
2020-03-09 22:08:36[媒體名稱]CNN [新聞日期]2020/3/9
Trump administration clashes with airline officials over coronavirus
By Kylie Atwood, Gregory Wallace, Manu Raju and Nicole Gaouette, CNN
Updated 1316 GMT (2116 HKT) March 9, 2020
Washington (CNN)The US aviation industry and the Trump administration are in
a pitched battle over the response to the coronavirus pandemic, three sources
familiar with recent calls between officials from several government agencies
and US airlines have told CNN.
In a series of contentious conversations, agency officials and aviation
executives have clashed over the administration's demand that airlines
collect new kinds of data from passengers to help officials track potential
virus carriers.
Airlines say they can't meet that demand right away
gregyeh (點數秘奧義全開)
2020-03-09 23:09:00這可是個有趣的問題,個人隱私與公眾利益的對決航前旅行資訊收集的好,可以阻絕病毒於境外,避免後續遺患但對某些人來說,可能視為對個人自由的侵害