ppdev (PPDev)
2020-03-12 15:00:02禁令是14天到過歐盟申根區無法入境
Coronavirus: Trump suspends travel from Europe to US
US President Donald Trump has announced sweeping new travel restrictions
on Europe in a bid to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
But he said the "strong but necessary" restrictions would not apply to
the UK, which has 460 cases of the virus.
A presidential proclamation issued later specified that only travellers from
the 26 countries in the Schengen border-free travel area were barred.
This leaves a number of other European countries as well as the UK unaffected.
A Presidential Proclamation, published shortly after Mr Trump's speech,
specified that the ban applies to anyone who has been in the EU's
Schengen border-free area within 14 days prior to their arrival in the US.
This implies that Ireland is excluded from the ban as it is not one of
the 26 Schengen countries. Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania are also EU members
without being part of the Schengen area.
Other countries - like Switzerland and Iceland - are part of Schengen
but not in the European Union.
愛爾蘭 保加利亞 克羅埃西亞 羅馬尼亞 是歐盟但非申根所以除外
※ 引述《Bruce227 (布魯斯)》之銘言:
: 這對有飛美國線的長榮航空不是大利多嗎
: 在歐洲的美國公民要回美國
: 得搭乘長榮航空在台北轉機飛回美國???
: 這對航空業而言
: 不見得都是壞事
: ※ 引述《nyrnu (鼠年行大運)》之銘言:
: : 川普政府宣佈美歐將全面斷航30天(除英國外)
: : https://onemileatatime.com/trump-bans-europe-travel/
: : President Trump addressed the nation tonight to tell us about “our nation’s
: : unprecedented response to the coronavirus outbreak.” During this, President
: : Trump has announced that the US will be banning travel from Europe for 30
: : days:
: : This new restriction will apply starting at midnight on Friday, March 13,
: : 2020 (yay Friday the 13th!)
: : The UK is excluded
: : This is being done to “keep new cases from entering our shores”
: : These restrictions won’t apply to “Americans who have undergone appropriate
: : screenings,” though we don’t yet know what that will look like
: : The restrictions will be “adjusted subject to conditions on the ground”
: : As Trump explains it, this is being done because the US took “early and
: : intense action” to stop the spread of coronavirus, which has caused
: : dramatically fewer cases than are now present in Europe. Because the European
: : Union failed to take the same precautions to restrict travel from China and
: : other “hotspots,” Trump is introducing this policy.
: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTPo4dghBg4
: : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: : 這可能是百年以來, 美歐之間首次斷航(空/海), 二戰期間好像也沒斷.
: : # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTPo4dghBg4
: : # suspending all travel from Europe for the next 30 days
: : # 本周五 2020/3/13 星期五 midnight (果然是黑色星期五)
: : # 美國人若有 appropriate screening 可例外入境
: : # 英國不在這次 travel ban
: : #我狂川普
: : #英國或成最大贏家
: : #美國-英國之間票價或逆勢上漲
: : #NBA也停了
: : #湯姆漢克也中鏢(Coronavirus)了