[情報] 2020/11/20 蜜室小聚日

作者: YueLan (玖藍)   2020-10-23 14:54:37
聊天 桌遊 耍廢 都可以
躺著 坐著 趴著 沒關係
有飲料零食 沒有主題限制
想做什麼 當天討論 自由發揮
直接參加 不須報名 想來就來
活動時間:11/20 ,19-22
場地清潔費:150 元(入場收費)
Witch’s Room Gathering (former Witch’s Room Cinema)
Not only for the movie! Just want to get together.
Chat, board games, or relax.
Lie or sit as you wish.
Drinks and snacks are served.
No subject restrictions, discuss what you want to play.
Event Time: 11/20 ,19-22
Venue: Witch’s Room
Event Address: No. 11, Lane 30, Jinzhou Street, Taipei
Event URL: https://wp.me/PaQNOp-5
Venue cleaning fee: NTD150

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