Re: [閒聊] 包總回應觸身球事件

作者: Dawei1165 (愛新覺羅與葉赫那拉相遇)   2015-06-08 18:17:09
英文苦手 但是簡短幫忙翻譯一下
但比較情緒性的部份我就不翻了 否則只是引戰
先說結論: 大威是認為領先那麼多分就是不該盜壘..
※ 引述《shiaubai (小白)》之銘言:
: You know, I have a very good friend that is from Taiwan, obviously he speaks C
: hinese and reads the newspaper.
: He told me that the GM from Lamigo said that I bring the wrong baseball cultur
: e to Taiwan.
: I'm going to respond to that to the people who want to know baseball and the h
: idden rules in it.
大威知道昨天發酵的觸身球事件 並對此做出回應
: I doubt the GM played baseball so he probably has no clue. He and those who cl
: aim this forgets that the game of baseball was invented in the USA! A situatio
: n in yesterday's game almost caught a disturbance with the players.
: They bunted what a seven run lead late in the game and that pissed off several
: of the Rhino players.
: They claim that out manager called for our pitcher to hit #11. We're more prof
: essional than that to "order" a pitcher to throw at a hitter but the players t
: ook the situation into their own hands because we manage and coach the game th
: e right way!
: Then for their manager run out on the field and start screaming at OUR player
: was as about as unprofessional and weak as you can get! They've done things li
: ke steal a base with a six run lead in the late innings a couple of times to I
: guess try to run up the score and embarrass the players.
他們在比賽後段 領先六分的情況下還一直盜壘,
他們是想要得更多分 然後來以此來羞辱我們的球員 我的觀察啦
: You just don't do that. It's called baseball integrity and that's not playing
: with protecting the game and proper sportsmanship!
在真正的棒球裡 你是不會這麼做的
: You will NEVER see our players do that because we respect the dam game! To all
: of you young players, coaches and all who strive to make the CPBL one of the
: respected leagues in professional baseball around the world, teach the kids ab
: out playing right!
你不會看到我們的球員這麼做 因為我們是尊重比賽的
給所有的年輕球員 教練 跟所有致力於讓中職更好的人 教你們的孩子什麼才是對
: For however long I'll be in Taiwan coaching baseball, I will help command that
: our players play the game hard and with respect to the game!
作者: Dawei1165 (愛新覺羅與葉赫那拉相遇)   2014-06-08 18:17:00
作者: sniperlin (定時器)   2015-06-08 18:18:00
下回看板要做包總的照片寫領先六分不得盜壘 違者 斬!
作者: BlueMt (Kaku 三等士官長 >)))   2015-06-08 18:18:00
作者: Ec73Iwai (( ̄□ ̄|||)a)   2015-06-08 18:19:00
作者: abc55322 (笨鳥不唱歌)   2015-06-08 18:22:00
作者: gogo3333 (tk)   2015-06-08 18:22:00
作者: abc55322 (笨鳥不唱歌)   2015-06-08 18:23:00
作者: seed800506   2015-06-08 18:23:00
作者: Dawei1165 (愛新覺羅與葉赫那拉相遇)   2015-06-08 18:24:00
作者: Ec73Iwai (( ̄□ ̄|||)a)   2015-06-08 18:24:00
也不用拿各自解讀救援 光是他對盜壘那段的看法 不管怎樣
作者: APROC (牧羊人)   2015-06-08 18:24:00
作者: Ec73Iwai (( ̄□ ̄|||)a)   2015-06-08 18:26:00
翻譯就是站不住腳 規則以內怎樣求勝都自己要認
作者: abc55322 (笨鳥不唱歌)   2015-06-08 18:26:00
作者: p50042220 (Penny)   2015-06-08 18:26:00
這篇翻譯有對哪隊有利嗎???不管是不是故意 文內某些話很明顯超引戰XD
作者: qazxswptt (...)   2015-06-08 18:29:00
我在想老威看到現在隊上的氣氛 大概也知道自己可能要馮喬許一樣沒多久被換掉了 所以就沒在客氣的這也是蠻有可能的 反正紅中比他穩多了XD
作者: K30342 (龍魂不滅3.0)   2015-06-08 18:31:00
作者: ichiyo (ichiyo)   2015-06-08 18:36:00
那五局就沒hold一壘壘包是??科科鍾狂批喔 啊那次可沒盜壘喔
作者: jeffteng (Christian&Oliver )   2015-06-08 18:39:00
噁心午迷 CCR
作者: spector66 (天氣預報)   2015-06-08 18:40:00
5局領先6分算拉開比數但看看米糕牛棚 這決不是什麼穩贏可以客氣了的範圍
作者: stonys (蝶戀影)   2015-06-08 18:50:00
作者: ckland (羅博費萊德)   2015-06-08 18:51:00
我認真覺得這個認定 很難界定 的確在大幅度領先真的沒有盜壘的必要 有時這樣真的是在羞辱對手 但這個分差要多少 只能說自由心證
作者: Dawei1165 (愛新覺羅與葉赫那拉相遇)   2015-06-08 18:55:00
但他說的late inning根本不是所謂的八九局啊..
作者: iceyang (追)   2015-06-08 18:55:00
先別管自由心證了 你知道今年單局打6分一點都不稀奇嗎
作者: Dawei1165 (愛新覺羅與葉赫那拉相遇)   2015-06-08 18:56:00
何況米糕可是在4/4 六局單局被犀牛灌九分...基本上我覺得潛規則本來就是陋習...
作者: mlpox465   2015-06-08 19:01:00
作者: saint01 (聖靈衣)   2015-06-08 19:01:00
臺灣的國球就是贏球 所以沒什麼羞辱的問題
作者: K30342 (龍魂不滅3.0)   2015-06-08 19:02:00
作者: macrose (再次重逢的世界)   2015-06-08 19:05:00
作者: aa97531aa (aa97531aa)   2015-06-08 19:19:00
park park
作者: kenven   2015-06-08 19:58:00
作者: bdsl (小明一號)   2015-06-08 20:36:00

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