Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, the founder of Houston’s Gallery Furniture, sa
id his opportunity to throw out the first pitch in Saturday’s ALDS opener betwe
en the Houston Astros and the Minnesota Twins was canceled due to the interventi
on of a national competitor.
McIngvale said he received a call from the Astros before the game however. He sa
id the company Mattress Firm, a national sponsor of Major League Baseball, would
not let McIngvale throw out the first pitch.
他指控是一家和他一樣做床墊的公司Mattress Firm
Mattress Firm是大聯盟的官方贊助商
“They said they weren’t going to let me throw out the first pitch,” McIngvale
He said he has a message to Mattress Firm.
“There’s plenty of business out there for all of us, what we need to do is pro
mote bedding, promote a better night sleep, not snipe at our competitors,” McIn
gvale said. “Let’s all be better than that and Go ‘Stros!”
Mattress Firm sent a statement saying they don’t determine who throws out the f
irst pitch.
“While we love being the Official Sleep Partner of Major League Baseball, we do
n’t determine who throws out the first pitch. We’re here to help Astros fans c
rush their sleep, not their dreams. Go ‘Stros!”
但Mattress Firm否認此事,說他們沒有決定是誰能開球