yomi ( .)
2015-04-09 18:36:59BGG有人整理十周年跟大盒版的差異
-遊戲圖板確認是雙面:一面是基本版,另一面是Grand Inquisitor & the Colonies
-大王跟回合標記從原本的黑色/深咖啡色變成深紫色。(這是我對Big box最不滿的
-原本十周年版只附了3張Player’s Edition權力卡,Big Box中將所有11張都加入。已
在另一篇文中翻譯所有Player's Edition 卡表,蠻多覺得蠻有趣的可以去看看。
-新增一個周年擴充 (Anniversary Expansion),規則有空再翻。
-Like the art better 喜歡新的美術
-Like the meeples 喜歡玩家米寶
-Like the new player colors 喜歡新的玩家顏色
-Like the new Castillo 喜歡新的城堡
-Want the "Anniversary Expansion" 想要”周年擴充”
-Want the complete "Player's Edition Expansion" (Decennial only had 3 of the
10 cards)
想要完整的 Player’s Edition擴充
-Want double-sided board (just a guess at this point, but it appears to be
2-sided expansions/base)
-Don't want typos on the cards (Decennial had a few of these; hopefully Big
Box won't!) 不想要有些卡片上面打字錯誤
‧ The game box is the size of a BIG Big Box (think Carcassonne Big Box, or
one of Queen Games' Big Boxes). I wasn't expecting it to be this big. There
is an awesome custom insert for the box, with icons representing the
expansions so it's easy to see where everything goes (similar to the insert
in the recent reprint of St. Petersburg).
‧ The game board is definitely 2-sided: one side for the base game, and the
other for playing the Grand Inquisitor & the Colonies expansion.
‧ The King and round markers are dark purple, instead of black/dark brown.
Interestingly, I can't seem to find any mention of a Grand Inquisitor figure,
however. (But there are 4 dark gray or black meeples for the Grand
Inquisitor's Caballeros.)
‧ Speaking of the meeples - yes, the player figures are now meeples in 5
colors: blue, red, green, yellow, and light purple/pink (replacing brown),
instead of cubes. (The scoring markers are still cubes, though.) The
Caballeros are a "mini" meeple size, and the Grandes are the standard meeple
size (like the regular followers in Carcassonne)
‧ The design of the cards has been updated (but still keeping much of the
same style as before). However, none of the cards are square anymore, they
are all rectangular.
‧ All 11 "Player's Edition" action cards for the Intrigue & the King
expansion ARE included (only 3 of these 11 were previously released in the
English versions of the expansion pack and the Decennial Edition).
‧ Here are some details about the "Anniversary Expansion" (which seems to be
the official title for it): It consists only of 5 "Standard Bearer" tiles,
showing a meeple carrying a standard (banner), one for each player. At game
setup, each player puts his Standard Bearer tile underneath one of his two
Caballeros in his home region, and this Caballero is known as the "Standard
Bearer". A Standard Bearer is basically a tie-breaker for majority in a
region. For example, if 2 players both have 4 Caballeros in a region, but one
of the players has a Standard Bearer as one of the 4, he is considered to
have the majority, and would score the top value on that region's scoring
table. If 2 (or more) players have the same number of Caballeros in a region,
and they each have their Standard Bearer there, they are all tied, and
scoring is handled as usual. A few other notes about the Standard Bearer: the
tile always moves with the Caballero it's assigned to, and a Standard Bearer
cannot transport goods or gold (he's too busy carrying the standard!). In
addition, if the Standard Bearer Caballero is ever moved to the Castillo or
taken off the board in some way, the player must immediately assign the tile
to another Caballero, who becomes his new Standard Bearer. Nothing too
game-changing with this expansion, but it does add a nice little twist.
※ 引述《chuang1024 (chuang)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Proet (Fingerstyle Guitarist)》之銘言:
: : 適逢大王出版20周年
: : 近2年才迷桌遊與大王10周年擦身而過
: : 這次終於有機會收到了!
: : 但發售日期未定
: : 新聞消息:
: : http://www.dicetowernews.com/dutch-publisher-announces-el-grande-big-box
: : -edition/12306
: : 荷蘭官方網頁:
: : http://www.999games.nl/spel/El%2BGrande%2BBig%2BBox
: 1.來源: 999 Gamers 官方臉書及官方網頁
: https://tinyurl.com/na94q59
: 大王大盒荷蘭版下周開始在商店販售
: http://www.999games.nl/media/El-Grande-BB-doos-plat.jpg
: http://www.999games.nl/media/El-Grande-BB-doos-op-pallet.jpg
: http://www.999games.nl/media/Michael-met-El-Grande-BB.jpg
: 2.來源: Hans im Glück 官方商店
: http://www.cundco.de/shop/
: 大王大盒德文版現在可以訂購了
: http://www.cundco.de/shop/?tx_dkdshop[category]=15&tx_dkdshop[product]=237
: 3.來源: bgg 討論區
: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1342857/availability-canada
: 大王大盒英文版年底前會出