[問題] let go

作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 21:32:43
My father had or is having an affair with a woman.
he knew that woman at a religious community.
When watching buddhism channel, if the topic is about 放下
he said my mother should do that.
Does my father twist the meaning about 放下
what does 放下 really mean?
作者: ilanese (坐聽無弦曲)   2018-06-14 22:17:00
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 22:02:00
This is simple English everyone can understand.
作者: amaton (南無阿彌陀佛)   2018-06-14 22:45:00
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 22:47:00
My English is poor I don’t want my father read this
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 22:53:00
It is the life of your and your family, no body cannobody can make the decision for youBut if it is me, I will let go.His heart is not there anymore. Keep him there is notreally good for anyone.The rest you can have will be just more pain andsadness, if you keep him there.Since you are a grow man, you should be able to livewith it. Take care of your mom. Good Luck.
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:02:00
We need financial support...
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:03:00
That will be the only reason for you.And agian, it is the life of yours and your family's.You get to make the decision on your own.
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:04:00
Besides , he is the one violating Buddha’s teachingWhy my mom and me has to be punished?
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:06:00
May I ask, are you a student?or do you have a job?Nobody is punished. Things may just happen.
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:06:00
That’s a personal question that I don’t want to answer It
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:10:00
sure, it is up to you.I just want to say, if I have a job, I will let go.
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:13:00
He has to pay for what he does.He says he is a Buddhist but his behavior is not a Buddhist should do. someone who is hypocritical like is disgusting
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:22:00
So are you come here to ask if you should let go, or wwhat you really want to ask is how to punish him?If what you really want to ask is how to punish him
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:26:00
I want people define the real meaning of let go for me
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:26:00
Probably you may consult to a lawyer.Long story short, it is equalivent to 出離心
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:27:00
People always twist the meaning o let goA real Buddhist would repent.
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:29:00
Of course. The meaning of most things are twist allthe time. That is why 達摩 say we should not followwords.A real Buddhist may not have a marriage.
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:32:00
Buddhism should help people follow moral rules not helppeople become a hyporirite
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:36:00
Fine, if he is not. Then what, will you feel better?
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:37:00
If married people are not qualified to discuss Buddhism, I believe many people in this forum has no right to post article here.Why people who study buddiism always tell people to letgo . But not scold the one who did the wrong thing?
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:43:00
As I say, if what you really want is to punish orscold the people who do the wrong thing, you may
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:44:00
Why people who study Buddhism always tell people to forgive ? How cold blooded
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:44:00
consult to a lawyer.Buddhism is not something help you do the judgemtnt.It is helping you to have the real peace.
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:46:00
Is cold bloodedness peace?Why Buddhist always have a condescending attitude to people?
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-14 23:51:00
no, it is the real peace.Most of the Buddhist don't really understand it intheir whole lifetime.As for the attitude you mention, at some moment, youwill understand it is really not a bit deal.
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-14 23:58:00
I think Buddhism in Taiwan is becoming twisted and coldblooded.
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-15 00:00:00
so what? If they are or they are not? will you feelany better?
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-15 00:01:00
And help people to rationalize their wrong behaviorBuddhism should make people better not worseI want to know what the real Buddhism is
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-15 00:03:00
Buddhism can help people really want to be one.It is not a law or something.Buddhism can help people who really want to be one.I miss a wordAs talk about Buddhism, it is real something regularit is to help you to feel better, or learn the realpeace.
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-15 00:06:00
Buddhism is not a law , so people should not use it totell people to forgive
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-15 00:06:00
Not the people do things right or not, but you, Bwhmj,feel better.Sure. Then what? will you feel better by that?
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-15 00:08:00
I don’t care for my mood . I care why Buddhism is twisted.
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-15 00:09:00
Then it is out of the landscape of Buddhism. :D
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-15 00:09:00
And people become hypocrite
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-15 00:10:00
The real Buddhism has nothing to be twisted.Because what he really teach you is really nothing.Again, all I that I care is , will you feel better?
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-15 00:12:00
Then this forum can be closed.
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-15 00:12:00
Sure, it is up to you.
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-15 00:13:00
I would feel better if there’s less hypocrite
作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2018-06-15 00:15:00
Well, if that will really help you.... good luck!
作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-06-15 00:16:00
Thank you
作者: osmanthusjo (觀念快扭曲了)   2018-06-15 08:19:00
your mother should 放下,that's right,but the word "放下" shouldn't be said by your father.your father should had said "sorry".you should find a lawyer instead of asking in here.
作者: yule1224 (支持自經區服貿貨貿)   2018-06-15 12:34:00
作者: Crazyfire (南傳版寂天)   2018-06-15 20:01:00
https://dhammawheel.com/viewtopic.php?t=8130let go 也是可以做為在禪修時 念念提醒自己放下貪欲的一種正念修持當然這樣修的話 雖然不見得能離貪 還是說一套、做一套凡夫俗子的特質仍佔上風的可能性較大XD 但至少是不會去扯到變成叫受害者放下的歪理吧let go這兩個字 現在也是成為傳到西方英語系國家的禪修正念所緣的眾多主題之一因為佛教畢竟在西方傳承的時間並不長 所以很多這些簡單易操作的入門技巧 反而比較能被接受並較廣運用https://www.amaravati.org/biographies/ajahn-sumedho語錄的出處者 Ajahn Sumedho長老的簡介

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