kissung (天堂鴉)
2024-12-06 11:00:2483 聞慧、思慧、修慧 (c)
Wisdom of Listening, Thinking, and Cultivating
宣公上人1994年2月27日 開示於聖荷西聞思修居士林
Venerable Master Hua’s Commentary at San Jose’s Bodhi Way Association, Febru
ary 27, 1994
博學 審問 慎思 明辨 篤行
Vast learning, examining, careful consideration, clear discernment, carrying o
思,是思慮。思慮不是想得太多;想得太多 ,反而想來想去,不能決定,猶豫不決了;
法, 就學世間的語言文字;你若學出世法,就學出 世的語言文字,這叫博學之。審問之
‘Si’ is to think. Thinking does not mean thinking too much; if you think too
much, then you will be indecisive and hesitate. ‘Consideration’ means to th
ink carefully. You should first learn vastly and investigate the worldly and t
ranscendent knowledge. If you are going to study worldly phenomena, then you m
ust study the worldly language and words; if you are going to study world-tran
scending dharma, then you must study the world-transcending language and words
; this is called vast learning. ‘Examining’ has a bit of the hearing princip
le inside it. If you hear something outside, then you have to ask yourself: wh
at is the value of this sound? And what is the value of the sound inside me?
善而從,不善而改」。然後再「修」,修就是「行 」去。
Learn vastly first, then examine, then consider carefully. When considering, d
on’t carelessly think and wear yourself out by thinking, to the point that yo
ur hair turns gray, only to reap no results. For example, you want to be wealt
hy but you are unable to strike it rich, or you want to become an official but
you can’t land a position; oh! You entertain deluded thoughts day and night
and they take you suddenly up to the heavens and suddenly back to earth. This
type of thinking has no real use. Be decisive and know the difference between
‘what is right and what is wrong’. Be able to ‘choose and follow what is go
od and change what is bad.’ Then you should cultivate, and cultivation is to
(translated by Katherine Wang.)