Re: [情報] 歐盟憂微軟收購導致壟斷展開第二階段調查

作者: seaEPC (沒看見,我沒看見 >_<)   2022-11-09 10:22:12
※ 引述《attacksoil (第三方程式)》之銘言:
: 誰能告訴我決勝時刻如何影響作業系統市場???
: 這新聞是真的嗎?
: 很難想像會這麼腦殘
PC OS那一段在
Finally, at this stage of the investigation, the Commission has concerns that
the proposed acquisition may reduce competition on the market for PC operating
systems. In particular, the Commission is concerned that Microsoft may reduce
the ability of rival providers of PC operating systems to compete with
Microsoft's operating system Windows, by combining Activision Blizzard's games
and Microsoft's distribution of games via cloud game streaming to Windows.
This would discourage users to buy non-Windows PCs.
The preliminary investigation suggests that Microsoft may have the ability, as
well as a potential economic incentive, to engage in such conduct vis-à-vis
rival providers of PC operating systems.
只說了他們覺得微軟在收購動視後有那個能力跟動機透過雲端串流遊戲去打壓其他PC OS
作者: Luos (Soul)   2022-11-09 10:28:00
Non Windows PC Gamer 這種人到底多稀有
作者: leo125160909 (中興黃藥師)   2022-11-09 10:32:00
作者: goodday5566 (好天五六)   2022-11-09 10:34:00
歐盟:講這麼多幹嘛 乖乖把錢繳上來就對了
作者: rogerkidd (心を開いで)   2022-11-09 11:01:00
不要擅自把mac當PC好嗎? apple自己都說過mac不是PC

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