Medialink Jan 2023 New Anime Line-Up
《The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World》
A young sorcerer Ray White inherited the title of “Iceblade Sorcerer” which is
hailed as the most powerful sorcerer in the world. He struggled to deal with hi
s immense power and decided to vanish from the battlefield. A few years passed,
Ray hid his identity and enrolled at “Arnold Academy of Sorcery”, a school rec
ruited elite sorcerers from around the world. Now, the challenging campus life o
f the strongest sorcerer is about to begin!
For more details regarding premiere date, VOD platforms and streaming regions,
please stay tuned to Ani-One Asia future announcements.
*If there is any change in the program or program schedule, please refer to the
latest announcement from each platform.
☆ ★:+:-:+: ☆ :+:-:+: ☆ :+:-:+: ☆ :+:-:+:★ ☆
有關首播時間、 VOD平台及播放地區等詳情將陸續更新,請緊貼Ani-One Asia未來公告。
#AniOne #TheIcebladeSorcererShallRuletheWorld #冰劍的魔術師將要統一世界 #冰剣の魔
術師が世界を統べる #Jan2023anime #2023一月新番 #AniOne新番公告 #SimulcastAnnounc
ement #日本動畫 #Anime