purpose (秀才遇到肥宅兵)
2015-03-06 13:11:07※ 引述《mself (mself)》之銘言:
: 開發平台(Platform): (Ex: VC++, GCC, Linux, ...)
: Linux/Windows
: 問題(Question):
: 印象中,一些書說明物件導向的範例較不真實
: 極端一點,好像有看到舉例
: 鴨子呱呱叫、鴿子咕咕叫,
: 鴨子和鴿子都是禽類,禽類會叫
: 禽類(鴨子).叫()是呱呱而不是咕咕
: ...
都覺得很不意外。而這其中的佼佼者,又肯定是寫 C/C++ 的最好鬥。
If you start with a base class X at the root of your hierarchy and define a
virtual equality operator on this class which takes an argument of the type
X, then derive class Y from class X. What is the interface of the equality?
It has equality which compares Y with X. Using animals as an example (OO
people love animals), define mammal and derive giraffe from mammal. Then
define a member function mate, where animal mates with animal and returns an
animal. Then you derive giraffe from animal and, of course, it has a function
mate where giraffe mates with animal and returns an animal. It's definitely
not what you want. While mating may not be very important for C++
programmers, equality is. I do not know a single algorithm where equality of
some kind is not used.
You need templates to deal with such problems. You can have template class
animal which has member function mate which takes animal and returns animal.
When you instantiate giraffe, mate will do the right thing. The template is a
more powerful mechanism in that respect.
Q: Java is a new language, it is not a template to disable generic
programming, everything must be a class. Java how you see?
A: It took me a few months to write the program in Java. With its author
predicted the contrary, it does not arouse my interest. I did not discover
any new insights. Ever, my first time in a new language programming found no
new insights. It retains all the things I never used in C++ - inheritance,
virtual mechanism (OO garbage), and remove the useful things. It may be
successful, after all, MS DOS success, but also for your readers to learn
Java may be profitable, but it without any knowledge of the value. Look at
their implementation of the hash table, look the the sort routine use of
those "cool" the Sorting applet, and then try AWT. The best way to judge a
language is to look at its advocates to write code. "! @ # $% ^ &% $! × ¥
#", (Annotation: the original "Radix enim omnium malorum est cupiditas),
Java is obviously a money-oriented programming (MOP) example. SGI's Java
foremost advocate told me to say: "Alex, you have to go where the money is."
But I did not want to go where the money is, the kind of place, the taste is
usually good to go.
I remember Stephanov once mentioned how in an interview they asked him why
you would make your destructors virtual. Which he responded that he never
makes his destructors virtual and his classes are used by lots of people.