[情報] 3/24 Daily Horoscope

作者: peterbono (Nobody)   2016-03-23 14:50:32
Capricorn horoscope for Mar 24 2016
Something may seem to be missing from a big and important part of your life. T
his could be a romance or some other relationship, your career, or even your l
iving situation. Whatever it is, Capricorn, there is a deep longing and you ne
ed to find a way to fill the emptiness. The most important part of the process
, though, is figuring out exactly what it is that's missing. It could have som
ething to do with someone else, and if so that's not something you can necessa
rily change. But if it is something within you, you have all the power in the
world to change what doesn't seem to be working.

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