johanna (HANA)
2014-05-11 07:27:47When I say, "I am a Christian" 當我說我是基督徒,
I'm not shouting "I've been saved!" 並非宣揚「我已得救」,
I'm whispering "I get lost! 而是輕訴「我曾迷失,
"That is why I chose this way." 所以我選擇這條路。」
When I say, "I am a Christian" 當我說我是基督徒,
I don't speak with human pride 我並不是語帶自豪,
I'm confessing that I stumble 而是承認步伐蹣跚,
and need someone to be my guide 需要一位生命嚮導。
When I say, "I am a Christian" 當我說我是基督徒,
I'm not trying to be strong 並不是在展示堅強;
I'm professing that I'm weak 而是承認自己軟弱,
and pray for strength to carry on 祈求有力繼續前行。
When I say, "I am a Christian" 當我說我是基督徒,
I'm not bragging of success 並不是在誇耀成功;
I'm admitting that I've failed 而是承認我的失敗,
and cannot ever pay the debt 承認無力償還罪債
When I say, "I am a Christian" 當我說我是基督徒,
I don't think I know it all 並非自認通曉一切;
I submit to my confusion 而是表達我的疑惑,
asking humbly to be taught 並謙卑地尋求教導。
When I say, "I am a Christian" 當我說我是基督徒,
I'm not claiming to be perfect 並不是在宣稱完美;
my flaws are too visible 我知自己如此殘缺,
but God believes I'm worth it 天主卻認為我值得。
When I say, "I am a Christian" 當我說我是基督徒,
I still feel the sting of pain 我總感到椎心之痛,
I have my share of heartaches 我的痛苦需要分擔,
which is why I seek His name 所以我尋求祂的名。
When I say, "I am a Christian" 當我說我是基督徒,
I do not wish to judge 並不是在論斷別人;
I have no authority 我沒資格去論斷誰,
I only know I'm loved 我只知我被祂所愛。
這首「When I say I am a Christian」是 Carol Wimmer 在 1988 年寫的詩,
(這段介紹摘自 Carol Wimmer 本人的說法,如下)
My heart was heavy as I wrote the poem, When I say, "I am a Christian."
The year was 1988. I had begun to sense an increasing societal resentment
toward the attitude of self-righteousness that has been adopted by so many
Christians. I knew such behavior was and is a perversion of Christianity.
Thus, the sentiment of the poem was born out of my personal awareness of
this perversion and the heartache it can cause in our pluralistic society.
I jotted down my thoughts with an inner determination to define the
Christian spirit as I wished to experience it. The resulting words formed
a reflection of me and the reputation I hoped to secure for myself.
Four years later, I sent the poem to 5 different publishers. As a result of
its first publication in 1992, someone placed the poem on the Internet where
it miraculously began taking on a life of its own.
From Manila to South Africa; Australia to Singapore; Finland to Bahrain
—I've received e-mails from people all over the world who express a common
desire to walk humbly with God. Therefore, I owe a sincere "Thank You" to
the unknown person who originally posted the poem on the Internet and the
countless number of readers who have subsequently passed this simple
expression on to others.