2015/11/25 (Luke21:12-19)
12 'But before all this happens, you will be seized and persecuted; you will
be handed over to the synagogues and to imprisonment, and brought before
kings and governors for the sake of my name
13 -and that will be your opportunity to bear witness.
14 Make up your minds not to prepare your defence,
15 because I myself shall give you an eloquence and a wisdom
that none of your opponents will be able to resist or contradict.
16 You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relations and friends;
and some of you will be put to death.
17 You will be hated universally on account of my name,
18 but not a hair of your head will be lost.
19 Your perseverance will win you your lives.
perseverance *n. 毅力, 忍耐, 不屈不撓
on account of *由於, 因為, 為了...
universally *n. 普遍地, 一般地
put to death *置...於死地; 殺死; 處死
relation *n. 關係, 聯繫, 敘述, 故事, 家屬, 親戚(可加s)
betray *v. 出賣, 背叛, 辜負, 暴露, 顯露
contradict *v. 反駁, 與...抵觸, 與...矛盾
resist *v. 抵抗, 耐得住, 抵制, 反抗; n. 防染劑
opponent *n. 對手, 敵手, 反對者; a. 敵對的, 反對的
eloquence *n. 口才, 雄辯術, 雄辯
defence *n. 保衛, 防禦, 辯護
Make up one's mind 下定決心、拿定主意
Make up (many people)'s minds
bear witness *作證, 證明
opportunity *n. 機會, 機遇, 湊巧, 方便
for the sake of *為了..., 為了...起見, 出於...考慮
governor *n. 統治者, 管轄者, 地方長官, 總督, 州長
imprisonment *n. 監禁, 下獄, 坐牢
synagogue *n. 猶太人集會, 猶太教會堂
hand over *交出, 移交
persecute *v. 迫害, 虐待, 困擾
seize *v. 抓住, 逮住, 奪取, 占領, 沒收, 查封,
扣押, 理解, 掌握, 利用
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