[情報] SBS and Calvinism

作者: df31 (DF-31)   2017-11-14 22:36:22
Here's The Point: Calvinists and Non-Calvinists in the SBC
How Calvinism Is Dividing The Southern Baptist Convention
Are Southern Baptist Calvinists Just Misunderstood?
Southern Baptists, Arminians, and Calvinists
Will Calvinism Split The Southern Baptist Convention?
‘Non-Calvinist’ Southern Baptists issue statement of beliefs – by Staff
While Calvinists have been present in Southern Baptist life from its earliest
days and have made very important contributions to our history and theology,
【the majority of Southern Baptists do not embrace Calvinism. Even the minority
of Southern Baptists who have identified themselves as Calvinists generally
modify its teachings in order to mitigate certain unacceptable conclusions 】
(e.g., anti-missionism, hyper-Calvinism, double predestination, limited
atonement, etc.). The very fact that there is a plurality of views on
Calvinism designed to deal with these weaknesses (variously described as “
3-point,” “4-point,” “moderate,” etc.) would seem to call for
circumspection and humility with respect to the system and to those who
disagree with it. For the most part, Southern Baptists have been glad to
relegate disagreements over Calvinism to secondary status along with other
important but “non-essential” theological matters. The Southern Baptist
majority has fellowshipped happily with its Calvinist brethren while kindly
resisting Calvinism itself. And, to their credit, most Southern Baptist
Calvinists have not demanded the adoption of their view as the standard. We
would be fine if this consensus continued, but some New Calvinists seem to be
pushing for a radical alteration of this long-standing arrangement.
推 neohippie: 美南現在迦爾文是大宗,幾乎沒有人自稱是阿民念的 11/14 22:38
→ neohippie: 有阿民念頃向的應該會離開美南吧 11/14 22:39
→ neohippie: 以前Billy Grahm影響力很強的時代比較頃阿民念 11/14 22:43
→ neohippie: 這個世代的領導者,Mohler、Moore、Piper 都是 11/14 22:44
→ neohippie: 頃向迦爾文 11/14 22:44
推 neohippie: https://goo.gl/8k4QcZ (美國的新迦爾文主義近代發展) 11/14
這裡有一篇The Calvinism Advisory Committee所撰寫的《TRUTH, TRUST, and TESTIMONY in a TIME of TENSION》。SBC Convention建議大家看的。
【We must stand together in rejecting any form of hyper-Calvinism that denies
the mandate to present the offer of the Gospel to all sinners or that denies
the necessity of a human response to the Gospel that involves the human will. 】
Similarly, we must reject any form of Arminianism that elevates the human
will above the divine will or that denies that those who come to faith in
Christ are kept by the power of God. How do we know that these positions are
to be excluded from our midst? Each includes beliefs that directly deny what
The Baptist Faith and Message expressly affirms.
John Piper是Hyper-Calvinism的主要代表人物。照您的講法,SBC現在整個
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2017-11-14 23:12:00
原來John Piper是Hyper-Calvinism?!
作者: neohippie (米國聖光肥魯八嘎囧)   2017-11-15 00:56:00
感謝回應老漁您引Russell Moore要被炒魷魚是跟政治有關的事Russell Moore 公開在批評川普,所以美南有些人要他下台。不過最後不了了之,Moore現在還是在。最近的SBC大會他還主導一項爭議性議題內部我不知道,外面看起來他蠻穩的看poll的資料,好像我真的講錯了,阿民念的還蠻多的我剛才找了一下,問卷原始資料有點不清楚我只找得到十年前的舊資料: https://goo.gl/DPmXTx十年前的資料,強烈支持五點迦爾文已經27%了我有點搞不清楚,資料是說有 30%是阿民念還是解讀者把非強烈5點迦爾文通通歸類阿民念。說自己是迦爾文「頃向」的應該超過 30%了吧?不過有些東西應該跟地理環境有關係,我基本上都是在美國南部,所以可能受SBTS的影響比較大西岸那邊可能比較多阿民念的吧....................................澄清一下,我沒在宣稱說美南倒向 hyper-Calvinism只能說是偏迦爾文。我找到那個圖了: https://goo.gl/fKLhWS然後Steve Gains確實不是迦爾文派的...
作者: bettis (bet)   2017-11-15 09:39:00
52% Strongly disagree ..你是怎麼解讀成偏加爾文的?
作者: theologe (表達你我的信仰~)   2017-11-15 09:51:00
neo常常這樣阿,不eylocal autonomy真的是關鍵,不只是事務性的部分而已;neo真的太不認識浸會精神了。
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2017-11-15 11:42:00
作者: bettis (bet)   2017-11-15 11:44:00
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2017-11-15 12:04:00
作者: bettis (bet)   2017-11-15 12:08:00
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2017-11-15 12:17:00
作者: bettis (bet)   2017-11-15 12:20:00
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2017-11-15 12:32:00
作者: bettis (bet)   2017-11-15 12:54:00
作者: neohippie (米國聖光肥魯八嘎囧)   2017-11-15 21:21:00
SBTS的領導者是迦爾文主義的,我上面就有寫阿旗艦神學院是迦爾文主導不過資料看起來兩派是平手bettis: 其實兩派大約都是 30% 兩邊圖表要對照不能只看一邊下定論anyways, 我講錯,我承認有學到新東西是好事
作者: bettis (bet)   2017-11-15 21:34:00

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