: → theologe: 或者說,老魚認為那兩個字的差別,關鍵在annihilation嗎 11/15 09:55
: 推 theologe: 如果認為滅亡一定是指annihilation,那頂多apollumi也不 11/15 10:13
: → theologe: 該翻成滅亡,故太10:28、約3:16也翻成毀壞即可;但有 11/15 10:14
: → theologe: 差別嗎?「被毀壞在地獄裡」,還是在地獄,而不是在補習 11/15 10:15
: → theologe: 班。 11/15 10:15
※ 引述《df31 (DF-31)》之銘言:
: 也就是說G622-αkοfλυμι的原文字義是『完全被摧毀』;G684-αkωf
: εια的原文字義是『毀壞或失去』。雖然,都可以翻譯為『滅亡』,但是約翰3:16的
: 滅亡於馬太7:13的滅亡程度上是不同的。約翰3:16是完全的,馬太是失去,既然是失?
: ,也就有能夠被找回來的可能性。
: 結論:根據原文字義的研究,XE將約翰3:16和馬太7:13中的滅亡等同視之為『永遠』?
: 滅亡,可以說是指鹿為馬之舉!不足一曬!:
As Jesus makes clear elsewhere, hell is not a place or state of
nothingness or unconscious existence, as is the Hindu Nirvana.
It is the place of everlasting torment, the place of eternal death,
where there will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth” forever
(see Mt 13:42, 50).
All people are created by God for His glory, but when they refuse to
come to Him "through the narrow gate" for salvation, they lose their
opportunity for eternal redemption and ultimately the opportunity of
becoming what God intended for them to be in Christ. At that time,
they are fit only for condemnation and destruction.
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