radi035 (阿富)
2014-06-18 12:20:39※ 引述《caine22 (Why so Serious?)》之銘言:
: 大家都只討論敏捷閃躲換護甲的變動,好像都忽略掉Healing的改動
: Healing:
: The next change will be to Healing. Currently, Healing provided by gear isn't
: very valuable because you receive the vast amount of your healing from Health
: Globes. During internal testing, we discovered that as you reached higher
: Greater Rift levels, you really wanted more of your healing to come from your
: gear in order to survive. To facilitate this, we are reducing the amount of
: healing Health Globes provide, but buffing Life on Hit and Life Regeneration
: on gear to compensate. This change should make a more consistent experience
: when you turn up the difficulty (or reach a higher tier in a Greater Rift) in
: situations where you’re not killing as quickly and actually require the
: increased Healing.
: 現在的擊回跟秒回量讓人覺得無感,回血都靠血球跟藥水再撐,BZ很不高興
: 想一下除了顛峰給的擊回/秒回,如果要大家撐擊回或秒回,大家願意犧牲哪些部位去換?
: 補充:
: 突然想到,如果秒回被提高了表示死神賭注這褲子或許(機率極小)能一戰?
擊回被該死的PROC 給NERF的很慘
例如WD的擊回狗 如果擊回變兩倍...T6大概站著發呆都沒問題
目前的擊回只有WD撐有明顯效用 因為WD的擊回PROC>3
每隻狗都100% 更多隻狗 OR大狗 就更高
其他職業根本就沒那麼高的PROC可以觸發擊回 當然都跟垃圾一樣
只要把秒回擺到副屬性 或是放在主屬但大大的BUFF量的話(現行的3倍)