2 hours ago
Hey everyone,
We just applied a hotfix to the PTR servers that increased the Impale damage
bonus on Karlei's Point to 375-500% and increased the Impale weapon damage
bonus on the Shadow's Mantle 6-piece to 50,000%. You will have to remake game
if you're currently in one to have these changes applied.
Because we hotfixed these changes, the values on the tooltips will not be
updated on your PTR client, but you should be receiving the correct amount of
increased damage. Please remember that these numbers, like all numbers on the
PTR, are not final and may change before we release this patch to the live
Thanks again for the discussion and have a great weekend!
家妮刺穿技能增傷調整為375%-500% 原先為60%-80%
暗影套六件效果傷害調整為50000% 原先為40000%
這下三刀又復活了 估計上個110沒問題吧?!
題外話 PTR不要看別人職業眼紅就去衝高啊
新增一條武僧的bug修復 找不到出處...
Crystal Fist
Fixed an issue where you would not gain the buff from Crystal Fist if you had
both the Channeling Pylon buff and Raiment of a Thousand Storms equipped
沒玩武僧看不太懂 有人可以解釋一下嗎?