※ 引述《PlayStation3 (超級喜歡于小文)》之銘言: : 43R通篇在討論錄影的事情 : Firmware update: : 4K Recording (IS compatible) : High Speed and Slow motion Mode (240p or 120p) : New Codec with different recording mode (24p,25p,30p,60p) : Motion Film (I don’t know what it is exactly but it has something to do with : a freeze picture functionality and choose to move what you want on the : picture). : They didn’t confirm all yet but about a similar S-log mode than the Sony one : but they didn’t talk about it and how it would help grading for the cinema : industry. : And others stuff that i didn’t have time to check yet. : I saw the 4K 24p and 30p mode, they was also other 4K mode but it was already : the end of the Beta test. For sure this new update firmware doesn’t add : anything, Olympus confirm 2 times that it was already there but not ready to : be release because they needed to fix few issues. They add also new : functionality for the pictures mode but i was not interested, only the video : part. It’s possible that they release the new firmware by the end of this : month S-log是增加錄影寬容度的方法 用比較特別的gamma曲線來記錄更多的亮暗部細節 目前單眼具有這項功能的僅有 A7s跟GH4 一般來說,使用log模式拍攝可以得到至少10檔以上的寬容度 GH4的10檔是最少的 附帶ㄧ提5D3影片的寬容度大概只有8,9檔 專業的電影機的賣點就是log模式 這也是一般產品線涉及電影機的廠商不願意下放log模式到旗下單眼產品的理由 這次A7s搭載sony在高級機種才會有的s-log2,也是A7s的熱賣的原因之一 但用這種高寬容度模式拍出來的東西對業餘玩家的意義有限 因為拍出來的畫面是非常灰的,必定要靠後期提高對比 令外,以Sony A7s為例,使用log模式時 iso會被限制在1600,這對不習慣用減光鏡錄影的玩家是不切實際的
作者: lafu (Old habits die hard) 2014-08-16 10:19:00