9/29的消息,沒人貼,賺點P幣. 來源:43Rumors: http://www.43rumors.com/ new-firmware-update-for-the-gx80gx85-camera-adds-focus-stacking/ 縮網址: https://goo.gl/83gswj 下載網址:(英文) http://av.jpn.support.panasonic.com Panasonic issued a new firmware udpate for the GX80/85 camera. You can download it here: http://av.jpn.support.panasonic.com Those are the improvements: Focus Stacking is now available. New function which enables the user to enlarge focus area after shooting by combining multiple images shot with Post Focus function. [Sequence] can now be selected for Focus Bracket recording. [Flash Mode] can now be set to [Forced Flash Off] for built-in flash. Thumbs up38 Love7 Joy4 Surprised3 Sad