即上次因 AML/KYC 卡我的 btc 卡很久後,接下來出金我又被卡,18 號
電匯出金,匯到現在都 12 天了還沒到,客服是這樣回我的:
On our side processing of the bank transfers usually takes one
banking day.
It usually takes up to 20 banking days for the banking system
to process with your payment.??
Unfortunately, we cannot influence this process somehow.
We appreciate your patience and understanding on this matter.
做過這麼多次電匯,一般大約 1 ~ 3 天到帳,20 天太離譜了,大概都
接著我跟客服要 swift confirmation,就是確認他們有匯款給我的
swift 信息,然後他們就不理我了。
實在太可疑了,搜了一下真的很多負評,有人說他在歐洲,走 SEPA,
照說應該是當天到帳,結果搞了 38 天還沒到帳....