※ 引述《d15388david (livermore)》之銘言:
: https://pse.is/H5FPG
: 第二段就有寫傳統貨幣必須信任銀行不要貶值貨幣,所以比特幣一開始去第三方的原因就
: 是不信任銀行印鈔行為
: https://pse.is/JPRNJ
: https://pse.is/G7NA6
: 早期的郵件列表中就有提到電子黃金的概念跟"金本位“的問題,sov的立場不言而喻
: 依照以上說法,在法幣存在的事實下,劣幣逐良幣的邏輯下,非常輕易的推論出:囤幣是
: 正常行為,交易其次(非擺爛)
: 歷史上沒有一個法幣結果是成功的,法幣爆掉不一定很遠,真的近在眼前讓大家明白的時
: 候已經來不及跑了,委瑞內拉世界第一大石油儲備國被玩爛了,擁有這麼強大剛需的礦產
: 一樣爛掉,還有什麼理由其他國家法幣一定穩?
: 信件列表裡也有提到比特幣通膨問題
: 以上,有誤請指正,或是有潛水大神可以講古一下,謝謝
: http://yt1.piee.pw/JHC63
: 附上一首歌
: 你各位hodl啊,別給我嘻皮笑臉
: 一起見證這場金融革命
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Compares Bitcoin to Gold
Daniel Kuhn
Jul 11, 2019 at 22:30 UTC
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said he can envision a return to an
era where multiple currencies are in use in the United States.
During Powell’s testimony before the Senate Banking Committee on Facebook’s
planned Libra cryptocurrency, he said: “The size of Facebook’s network
means it could be, essentially, immediately systemically important.”
Though the initiative raised “a lot of serious concerns,” including
privacy, money laundering, consumer protection, and financial stability, he
began to speak favorably about other cryptocurrencies.
“Almost no one uses bitcoin for payments, they use it more as an alternative
to gold,” he said Thursday afternoon. “It’s a speculative store of value.”
Powell has stated in the past that the United States should not return to the
gold standard. Some took the statement as referring to a call to “drop gold,
buy bitcoin.”