[情報] Apple TV Infuse app新支援DV(profile 8)

作者: apoloo   2023-03-16 08:39:00
軟體版本:Infuse 7.5
Even more Dolby Vision
Dolby Vision comes in many different flavors, and today we’re adding
expanded support for Dolby Vision Profile 8. Profile 8 is a unique format, as
it includes both a Dolby Vision layer and an HDR layer. It has been used by
Apple for many of their screensaver videos, and now more of these videos can
be played natively in Infuse in full Dolby Vision. By default, the best video
playback option will automatically be selected based on the video file and
the device you are using, and you can change how this works by adjusting the
Extended Dolby Vision option found in Infuse > Settings > Playback.
Note: Since Profile 8 has a number of different sub-variants with a wide
variety of characteristics, a portion of Profile 8 videos will gracefully
fall back to playing in HDR10 — which will still look great.
作者: l98 (尋找屬於我的星星)   2023-03-16 11:09:00
作者: chiu03272000 (下課)   2023-03-16 11:40:00
作者: jason840226 (BabyHurk)   2023-03-16 12:31:00
功能真的很不錯,訂閱也便宜,唯一缺點就metadata 的數據實在很鳥
作者: Makeinu (Makeinu)   2023-03-16 14:16:00
最近看到有人把串流片源獨佔的Dolby Vison版本和UHDBD片源融合,就是使用Profile 8
作者: apoloo   2023-03-17 08:19:00
突然發現這套軟體 終生版漲價好多喔...
作者: l98 (尋找屬於我的星星)   2023-03-17 08:20:00
對呀,早期買到賺到。 他現在策略就是提高終身版售價逼你訂閱
作者: apoloo   2023-03-17 08:20:00
我2019買終生版 1320,2018買5pro 350,現在終生版要3千多
作者: l98 (尋找屬於我的星星)   2023-03-17 08:22:00
記得有人算過,現在買 lifetime 大概要訂閱快 10 年才會回本
作者: apoloo   2023-03-17 08:24:00
這樣買終生版的人 應該會少人多 都會被推去用訂閱制了*會少很多人畢竟價差太大... QQ
作者: l98 (尋找屬於我的星星)   2023-03-17 08:30:00
作者: eipduolc (松尾健太)   2023-03-21 09:15:00
作者: ch410773 (Lolita)   2023-03-21 11:13:00
這個跟nPlayer比呢? 剛買Apple TV
作者: l98 (尋找屬於我的星星)   2023-03-21 11:20:00
強太多。 然後 nplayer 沒有 tvOS 版本且作者放生 APP 中應該還有中國開發者寫的 APP 啦,只是看妳敢不敢用而已
作者: apoloo   2023-03-21 12:08:00
免費的app VLC也可以試試看 功能很陽春 ~
作者: ch410773 (Lolita)   2023-03-21 19:07:00
作者: l98 (尋找屬於我的星星)   2023-03-23 03:41:00
作者: ch410773 (Lolita)   2023-03-23 06:00:00
Ok 謝謝

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