※ 引述《leptoneta (台湾高山族自治区书记)》之銘言:
: 標題: Re: [假設] 以色列不在巴勒斯坦建國
: 時間: Fri Oct 13 16:53:08 2023
: 推 lolen: 印象中也有阿拉伯國家的國王在抗議,說猶太人是被納粹屠殺 10/13 18:01
: → lolen: 應該是在德國境內割一塊地出來給猶太人補償才對 10/13 18:01
: 推 YYOO: 建議在西柏林 10/14 00:50
The exchange of gifts and warm feelings between the two leaders
did not bridge the gulf between the two leaders regarding the
Palestine issue. Roosevelt made plain his support for the Jewish
survivors of what was not yet called the Holocaust. He also
expressed his admiration for the Jews who fought against the Nazis
and who had developed Palestine, and asked the king to support his
idea of establishing in Palestine a free and democratic Jewish
commonwealth. Saud would have none of it, arguing deceitfully that
it was the Arabs and not the Jews who had fought against the Germans,
and that it was the British and not the Jews who made the deserts
bloom. The king adamantly opposed allowing Jews to go to Palestine
or establish their own state and suggested that they be given the
homes of Germans instead. When Roosevelt said that three million
Jews had been slaughtered in Poland alone, Saud replied that there
must now be room there for three million more.[7]
The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) was established
in 1993 as a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization to strengthen
the U.S.-Israel relationship by emphasizing the fundamentals of the
alliance — the values our nations share.