Game of Thrones season 8: Director says scenes in new series as 'shocking' as
the Red Wedding
GoT導演: 第八季會出現Red Wedding等級的震驚場景
新聞媒體: Independent
Chelsea Ritschel 22 hours ago
As Game of Thrones fans prepare for the impending battle between the living and
the dead, director David Nutter has revealed upcoming scenes will rival the Red
Wedding in shock value.
正當GoT粉準備看活人死人大戰之際,導演David Nutter說第八季將有Red Wedding等級
According to Nutter, who directed the infamous Red Wedding scene in season
three where viewers saw Robb Stark, his mother Catelyn Stark, and his pregnant
fiancee, Talisa, all murdered by a Bolton/Frey alliance, scenes in season eight
will bring similar reactions from viewers.
根據執導過Red wedding的Nutter表示第八季會如同Robb Stark一家在婚禮被屠殺
Speaking to The Metro, Nutter, when asked if viewers should expect similarly
shocking scenes in the last season, said: “The short answer is - yes!”
Nutter also described the upcoming battle scene, which he said is equally “
draining” for both cast and crew.
“I can’t say that it’s more draining or less draining to be the director of
the episode, but I will say that we’re all in the same boat, actors and
director, when it comes to really bringing our ‘A game’ to the fore,” he
But, according to "The Rains of Castamere" episode director, shoot
battle is also quite tedious for everyone involved - as “there’s so much
minute detail to deal with, from both an acting and directing standpoint”.
“Horses, armaments, special effects are all vying for our attention and
energy, in a lot of cases, and it’s true that it’s exhausting trying to
all of these elements into a coherent whole,” he added.
馬匹 軍械 特效都耗費了我們大量的精力,想把這些因素協調的結合再一起很累人
The second episode of the final season has already provided viewers a
surprising twist, as fans watched Arya and Gendry have sex - a scene that has
divided viewers.
While some were supportive of Arya’s decision, others questioned why it was
necessary to sexualise a character that, up to that point, had been focused on
revenge and murder.