conpo (獅子たちの旗)
2015-01-15 13:03:24開發暨募款計畫宣布終止,我難過!
As many of you know, over the holidays we were victims of a hack inspired by
the attack on Sony. The hackers destroyed data pertaining to Glorious Leader!
and other projects we had in development and locked us out of our own
computers and wesbite. The timing couldn't have been worse as it hampered our
ability to attend to the Kickstarter project. We realize that we also made
mistakes in our pledge levels and rewards. It is now evident that our funding
goals will not be met, so we are cancelling our Kickstarter campaign.
This is not the first time we have been targeted because of Glorious Leader!
Between the hacking and other threats, we think it is time to reevaluate our
commitment to Glorious Leader! We thank our fans and supporters, and we are
sorry to let you down.
的壓力,畢竟"The Interview"就是一個血淋淋的例子....
題外話,其實"The Interview"還滿好看的XD