conpo (獅子たちの旗)
2016-06-02 20:40:442016.06.02
Lightspeed Game List Generator
This program was developed as a token of appreciation towards the
retro-gaming community.
Lightspeed is fast and it's free. It's my way of saying “thank you” to a
community that helped me many times across almost two decades, directly or
indirectly. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it.
Current Features
‧ Easy to use Wizard interface.
‧ Top menu bar for quick access to any page of the Wizard.
‧ Supports Catver.ini, History.dat, Nplayers.ini, Languages.ini, Series.ini,
Mame's output xml file and my own ControlsButtons.ini.
‧ Over a hundred individual filters that can be used in combination to
produce an incredible amount of possibilities, including filtering by genre
, emulation status, decade, clones, control type, number of players,
number of buttons, display type, orientation, region, media type, number
of screens among many, many others.
‧ Removes [] and () tags from game descriptions.
‧ Creates CHD dummy ROMS for those CHD based games that do not have a
companion ROM, so front-ends can actually import and make those games
‧ Creates [TTL] dummy ROMS, so those games can also be imported and be
playable from a front-end of your choice
‧ The program will store all your settings on exit (as an ini file), so you
don't have to check multiple boxes over and over again, every time you
use the program. I'm planning to add “save presets”, where you will be
able to save and load presets from.
‧ No support files are ever merged. All support files are kept as-is and can
be easily updated by simply copying newer files over them and any
operations requiring access to those support files are handled at memory
level, instead of writing files to disk. As a result, the performance is
quite good: filtering a whole set of Mame ROMs from about 36,000 ROMs all
the way down to a list of 2,600 working games containing no Mature,
pinball, fruit machines, devices, clones, Bios etc will take about 25
seconds from beginning to end, including saving the final resulting list
and with no time spent on merging external files.
‧ Comprehensive documentation
‧ You can either generate “offline” lists, where the program doesn't care
if you have roms in your system or you can tell Lightspeed to compare
that information to your Mame ROMs folder, so the final list(s) will only
contain games matching the .zip/.7z files that you actually have in your
‧ Ability to generate lists containing only the games that match your
artwork folders, including, snapshots, flyers/front images, videos and/or
wheels/clearlogos. This way you can make sure that only the games which
you have snapshots for are imported, for example. Or lists containing only
games that you have videos for, videos+snaps, videos+flyers+wheels or any
combination of those. No more missing images/videos if you don't like
having missing artwork showing up in your front-end.
‧ Easily update your support files from within Lightspeed (but please click
the links provided in the pop-up to support the support files
‧ A preset filter for “All Killer No Filler!”, a list of great games
compiled by the user “BadMouth” over the Arcade Controls forum.
‧ Generates lists by platform using presets for: All Arcade Games, NeoGeo,
CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, Cave, PGM, Zinc, Atomiswave, Naomi or Hikaru,
individually or in combination
‧ Generate lists by source driver. Everything supported by Mame is listed.
You just need to know which one to pick. Just select a driver from the
drop-down menu, “stv.cpp” for example, to generate a list containing
only Sega STV games. All other filters affect this list as well, so you
can fine tune the final result according to your needs.
‧ Built-in snapshot preview, so you can verify visually the games being
imported into your list
‧ Built-in clone list-view, from where you can selectively add clones to
your final output list using a context menu accessible on right-click
‧ Built-in game launcher. Double click any game in either list-view to
launch the game in Mame, a quick way to test games when in doubt if you
should or not add them into your exported list
‧ Built-in move/copy filtered ROMs and CHDs, so you can now easily create a
clean set that precisely matches your exported list, great for populating
and synchronizing multiple machines while saving a ton of space since you
are only adding the games that you really have, want or actually play
‧ Refine your final list even further by selecting and deleting the games
your don't want or use F2 to rename the game description before exporting.
‧ Support for multiple front-end's game list export formats. The current
version supports:
Maximus Arcade*
MameWah (untested)
Rom list
Description List
Missing Zip files
Missing CHD folders
* Maximus Arcade and Mala require third-party programs to convert the lists
generated by Lightspeed to their final format.
Exclusive for the Launchbox Frontend
‧ Quickly and easily imports your filtered list of Mame games into
Launchbox. This is a completely automated system that will add all
necessary metadata and artwork, while setting up emulators, rom paths
and platforms automatically. It will also add a ton of filterable custom
fields, not originally created by Launchbox. Run Lightspeed, set all
paths, press export and reopen launchbox. It's that simple!
‧ Imports metadata from History.dat selectively. You can choose what kind of
information you want to parse: Bio, Technical, Trivia, Tips&Tricks, Staff,
Ports, Scoring and/or Updates.
‧ When it comes to the “export” versions of the games, History.dat only
mentions that for more information you should refer to the original game,
the Japanese version more than often. Lightspeed tries, as much as
possible, to extract that information from the original game and recycle
that information into the other sister games, so your metadata will
actually look more complete since “export” games will now contain the
metadata from the original game.
‧ “Prevent Duplicates” prevents the same game from being imported multiple
I would like to thank:
‧ Nicola Salmoria and the entire MAME team for almost 20 years of hard work,
keeping the arcade memory alive for generations to come.
‧ Front-end developers across the board. Their role is fundamental, creating
tools that make our experience of playing arcade games a whole lot more fun
‧ Programmers of arcade related tools, usually developed for free (as
Lightspeed), in the spirit of sharing and helping a community of people
who share the same passion for old arcade, pinball and console games.
‧ All the people creating, maintaining and hosting arcade and console
related artwork
‧ All communities and websites dedicated to the retro-gaming cause.
‧ Emumovies, for their incredible work providing the community with the much
needed movie previews
‧ All those members who are always available to help out someone in trouble
‧ Those who created and/or maintain the support files used by Lightspeed.
They devote an invaluable part of their own time to provide the community
with those incredibly useful memory records.
‧ The Autohotkey and StackOverflow communities
Please support their projects by visiting the links below:
MAME c MameDev: http://mamedev.org/
History.dat c Alexis Bousiges: http://www.arcade-history.com
Nplayers.ini c Nomax: nplayers.arcadebelgium.be
Catver.ini, Series.ini and Languages.ini c Triggerfin, s_bastian and
Mala List Converter c thund3rstruck:
Maximus List Converter c Maximus Arcade: http://www.maximus-arcade.com
This is a beta, so please test it and report if something is broken. Some
features are still in progress, like custom XML file export, CSV and other
formats, but I'm working on it.
Suggestions are more than welcome. I'm developing this tool for the
community, so please feel free to suggest any feature you want to see
Thank you.
Self-extract: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B23vaxsfSk1ydFFuclZncld0bmM
7z: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B23vaxsfSk1yTVo3YVNPc2NSRm8
來源 http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Number=355172