[新聞] PPSSPP 1.3

作者: remina (南瓜太郎)   2016-09-18 04:22:02
Half a year's worth of fixes in one go, enjoy! Here's a selection of the most
important fixes:
Fix JIT problems on Galaxy S7 and iOS 9+ devices
Fix Android TV support (x86-64) and use latest FFmpeg, fix Raspberry memory
Texture replacement support - for custom textures and upscaling
Workaround rendering issues on Tegra K1/X1
Initial Vulkan support on Windows - not full featured yet
Experimental new CPU backend and CPU fixes
Fix type D cheat codes, allow for homebrew
Fix some problems when switching away from and back to the app
Initial game video recording / TAS features (frame stepping)
作者: BadGame (人生 歡樂易忘卻執著痛苦)   2016-09-18 10:15:00
能在手機上跑 好像很棒
作者: scarbywind (有事燒紙)   2016-09-19 03:38:00

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