YuiFAN (半熟魷魚)
2017-09-04 16:49:2320 週年生日快樂!
※注意:因網站更新為 https ,請手動從網頁下載新版,更新後可支援自動更新
What a special day today....20 years ago...yes twenty years...the very first
version of clrmame was released. Back then it was a win32 commandline tool.
1999 cmwin, a first windows ui version was released and finally in 2000
clrmamepro came out. In 1997 MAME had no zip support, no merging and actually
not even crc32 was used for hashing...good old times ;-) And today...look at
that beauty of emulator. What a success, what a huge amount of emulated sets.
Times are changing, I've tried to update cmpro as good as possible to keep
track of the changes made in MAME. I'd like to thank all the users who
supported me over the years...some of them from the beginning till today.
Without you, I would have stopped cmpro a long time ago. So....keep me busy.
Thanks again. And yeah...here's the latest version 4.033.
Since the homepage is now https, you need to download this update manually.
The updater will work again once you have 4.033 installed
Change Log
fixed: xml parser to handle > character within an xml attribute correctly
fixed: wrong "missing but fixable" message (mainly chd) when set check is
disabled which covers the actual message
fixed: dir2dat archives with folders produce wrong output
fixed: stats count of missing roms for clone sets which only consist of
parent roms (and chds)
fixed: stats count of missing chds in case set check is disabled
fixed: fixmissing skips the set with the missing file itself for checking
for a possible match and might miss a possible fix (pretty rare
that a set holds identical files, but e.g. MAME's 188 "pippin" does)
misc: use MoveFile instead of CopyFile also for disabled
remove-rebuilt-source when possible
misc: drag'n drop operations now work when you use "run as admininistrator"
to run cmpro in an UAC protected folder
misc: changed softwarelist import to always import all and filter
specific afterwards. Solves problem where MAME does not print
out data for some.
misc: remove possible empty setfolder when a chdfile is moved
misc: cmpro.ini setting Adv_AvoidPCSleep=on can be used to avoid PC
switching to hibernate/sleep mode during scan/merge/rebuild/dir2dat
operations (default = on, i.e. it won't switch)
misc: updated to rar 5.50