[資訊] 押韻複合詞整理

作者: tku3124 (tku3124)   2016-05-20 08:04:55
以下是所有的押韻複合詞(Rhyming Compounds)整理
Word Definition Type
argle-bargle Argument or fight Rhyming
artsy-fartsy Fake-art Rhyming
backpack Satchel carried on back Rhyming
bigwig Important person Rhyming
black-jack Card game Rhyming
bogo Buy one, get one (free) Rhyming
boogie-woogie Fast jazz dance Rhyming
boob tube Television set Rhyming
bric-a-brac Cheap decorative objects Alliterative
candy-shmandy Candy my eye! SH-Rule
car-shmar Car my eye! SH-Rule
cha-ching The sound of a cash register. Alliterative
chit-chat Idle talk Alliterative
chitter-chatter Idle talk Alliterative
chug-a-lug To drink down in one swallow Rhyming
claptrap Cheap talk Rhyming
clickety-clack Heavy clicking Complex
cock-a-doodle-doo Rooster sound Complex
cock-a-leekie Chicken-leek soup Complex
Coco French nickname Duplicative
couscous Steamed semolina Duplicative
creepy-crawly A small flightless frightening creature Alliterative
crisscross To move back & forth Alliterative
dadaism Absurdist art Duplicative
dilly-dally Dawdle, move slowly Alliterative
dingaling Bell sound; foolish person Complex
ding-dong Bell sound Alliterative
doodad Trinket Alliterative
fancy-shmancy Fancy my eye! SH-Rule
fast track Expedited service Rhyming
fiddle-faddle Nonsense Alliterative
Fifi French nickname Duplicative
fishy-shmishy Fishy my eye! SH-Rule
flibbertigibbet A talkative airhead Complex
flim-flam Con game Alliterative
flip-flop Thong slippers, change of mind Alliterative
flotsam-jetsam Sea garbage Alliterative
fribble-frabble Nonsense Alliterative
frou-frou Fussy stuff added to attire Duplicative
fuddy-duddy Old-fashioned person Rhyming
fuss budget Fussy person Complex
gibble-gabble Nonsense talk, drivel Alliterative
Gigi French nickname Duplicative
gogo Fast paced (music) Duplicative
goo-goo Baby talk. Duplicative
goody-goody A smugly or affectedly virtuous person. Duplicative
ha-ha Normal laugh Duplicative
handy-dandy Quite useful Rhyming
hanky-panky Questionable activity Rhyming
heebie-jeebies Chills of fright Rhyming
hee-haw Mule sound Alliterative
hee-hee High-pitched laugh Duplicative
he-he Conniving laugh Duplicative
helter-skelter in all directions Rhyming
hi-fi High quality sound Rhyming
higgledy-piggledy Disorganized Rhyming
hip-hop Chanting music Alliterative
hippety-hop Hopping Complex
hobnob Hang around with Rhyming
hocus-pocus Trickery Rhyming
ho-ho Deep laugh Duplicative
hoi-poloi Ordinary people Rhyming
hoity-toity Showing off Rhyming
hokey-pokey Dance, ice cream Rhyming
holus-bolus All together Rhyming
honky-tonk Sleazy saloon Rhyming
hootchy-kootchy Erotic dance Rhyming
hotshot Important person Rhyming
hubba-hubba Disparaging salute to women Duplicative
hubble-bubble Noisy confusion of sounds Rhyming
hubbly-bubbly Hookah Rhyming
hugger-mugger Secrecy; in secret Rhyming
hubbub Noisy confusion of sounds Rhyming
humdrum Boringly routine. Rhyming
Humpty-Dumpty Nursery rhyme name (egg) Rhyming
hunky-dory OK, alright Complex
hurdy-gurdy Cranked musical instrument Rhyming
hurly-burly Tumult, bustle, confusion Rhyming
itsy-bitsy Very, very little Rhyming
itty-bitty Very, very little Rhyming
jelly belly Protruding stomach Rhyming
jiggery-pokery Trickery Complex
jim-jams Pajamas; the jitters (archaic) Alliterative
jingle-jangle Sound of metallic pieces Alliterative
Ju-jubes Commercial candy name Rhyming
KitKat Commercial candy name Alliterative
kitty-cat A cat Alliterative
klip-klop Sound of hooves Alliterative
knick-knack Trinket Alliterative
legal beagle Agressive lawyer Rhyming
lickety-split Fast Complex
linsey-woolsey Coarse wool fabric Complex
litty-bitty Very, very little Rhyming
loosey-goosey Very relaxed Rhyming
lovey-dovey Affectionate(ly) Rhyming
mau-mau To terrorize Duplicative
miminy-piminy Prim and proper Rhyming
Mimi French nickname Duplicative
moo-juice Milk Complex
mumbo-jumbo Unintelligible speech Rhyming
nid-nod Nod repeatedly Alliterative
niddle-noddle Nod unsteadily Alliterative
nightlight Small electric light Rhyming
niminy-piminy Prim and proper Rhyming
nitty-gritty The essence Rhyming
nitwit Dumb person Rhyming
nolens-volens Like it or not Rhyming
okey-dokey OK Rhyming
oops-a-daisey Exclamation for a fall or lifting Complex
pall-mall Old stick-and-ball game Rhyming
palsy-walsy Suspiciously friendly Rhyming
peewee Very small Alliterative
pell-mell In a rush Rhyming
pish-posh! Nonsense Alliterative
Pit-Pat TV show character Alliterative
pitter-patter Sound of little feet Alliterative
poo-poo Poop Duplicative
pooh-pooh Dismiss as trivial Duplicative
pooper-scooper Pet dropping scoop Rhyming
prime time TV programming 8 to 11 PM Rhyming
prittle-prattle Idle chatter, babble Alliterative
raggle-taggle Strangely mixed Rhyming
ragtag Ragged, disorganized Rhyming
ratta-tat(-tat) Drum roll, drum sound Rhyming
razzle-dazzle Showiness Rhyming
razzmatazz Dazzling display Complex
rickrack Zigzag trim for clothing Alliterative
riff-raff Low life, worthless people Alliterative
roly-poly Round Rhyming
roister-doister Loud-mouth, cut-up, show-off Rhyming
rooty-toot(-toot) Sound of brass instrument Rhyming
salary-shmalary Salary my eye! SH-Rule
Scooby-Doo The name of a cartoon dog. Rhyming
seesaw A teeter-totter; to go back and forth Alliterative
shilly-shally Delay, lag behind Rhyming
silly Willy Casual nickname Rhyming
sing-song Boringly monotonic Rhyming
slangwhang Rant nonsense Rhyming
slap-happy Crazy happy; dizzy from beatings Complex
slo-mo Slow motion (movies) Rhyming
Soho Area of London Rhyming
tee-hee High pitched laugh Rhyming
teeter-totter Wobble; a see-saw Alliterative
Tex-Mex Texas-Mexican Rhyming
tick-tock Sound of an old clock Alliterative
tipsy-topsy Head over heels Alliterative
tittle-tattle Idle chatter Alliterative
topsy-turvy Confused Complex
tutti-frutti Italian ice cream flavor Rhyming
twiddle-twaddle Gab, superficial talk Alliterative
Tweedledum & Tweedledee Two things virtually identical Alliterative
voodoo Caribbean magic Rhyming
walkie-talkie Two-way hand-held portable radio. Rhyming
wiggle-waggle Waggling back and forth Alliterative
whipper-snapper An upstart Alliterative
whing-ding Wild party Rhyming
whirly-bird Helicopter Complex
wing-ding Wild party Rhyming
wi-fi Wideband wireless network Rhyming
willy-nilly Like it or not; randomly Rhyming
wishy-washy Indecisive, vacillating Alliterative
yadda-yadda-yadda Etc., chatter, verbiage Duplicative
yackety-yack Droning chatter Complex
zig-zag Move back and forth Alliterative
Rhyming Words 複合詞
airy-fairy (rh, delicate or lovely;not based on reality)
argy-bargy (commotion, argument, tumult)
artsy-fartsy (rh, pretentiously artistic; also arty-farty)
band stand (* a stage on which musical ensembles perform)
barmy army (* fans who travel abroad to support the england cricket team)
beddie-weddie (ams - a bed)
black.jack (a gambling game)
boogie-woogie (a style of playing blues)
brain drain (emigration of talented people)
cake-bake (a mixture for baking into a cake)
chick-flick (a movie suitable for women of all ages)
chiller-diller (ams - a movie or a book based on suspense and horror)
chop-shop (where thieves strip a car for salable parts)
chopper copper (a helicopter borne policeman)
clap trap (pretentious nonsense (to gain applause cheaply))
cook book (a book of recipes)
dead head (a vacuous person)
dizzy-wizzy (ams - any drug in pill form)
dream team ( a team of ideal composition)
drinky-winky (* surreptitious or bashful reference to alcoholic drink)
ducky-wucky (ams - fine, wonderful)
easy-peasy (easy, simple)
eeksy-peeksy (a scots expression meaning in equal portions, even stevens)
fave rave (slang for favorite record)
fender-bender (ame a minor automobile accident)
fiddle-faddle (to fuss; to fiddle with trifles)
fight night (a televised evening boxing bout, or a series of bouts)
flick-chick (a hairstyle for women)
flower power (* the hippy philosophy of the 60s)
footsie-wootsie (ams - intimate action, as in courting business favors)
fuddle-duddle (rh, canad. - to depart, be off)
fuddy-duddy (an old-fashioned, conservative person; also fusty-dusty)
fuzzy-wuzzy (a sudanese warrior)
gang-bang (an rape by a number of assailants)
gender-bender (a person who dresses like a member of the opposite sex)
grand.stand (a principal stand at a racetrack)
grass-ass (a person who can expect to be interred)
handy-dandy (quick to hand; make a guess; also handy-andy)
handsy-wandsy (ams - hands)
hanky-panky (trickery, fornication)
hand stand (* a gymnastic manoeuvre)
happy-clappy (* derogatory description of populist evangelical ceremonial)
happy-chappy (* a fellow of fine fettle)
hare-kare (japanese ritual suicide)
harum-scarum (reckless; wild)
heebie-jeebies (rh - a condition of extreme nervousness)
hell's bells (rh - exclamation of surprise)
helter-skelter (in hurry and confusion)
herkimer-jerkimer (ams - a jerk)
heuchter-teuchter (a derogatory lowland scots' expression for highlanders)
hickery-pickery (a purgative drug made from aloes and canella bark)
higgledy-piggledy (in confusion)
hipper-dipper (ams - superb)
hippy-dippy (* having turned one's back on material society)
hobson-jobson (a word resulting from the corruption of an oriental word)
hocus-pocus (a pretended incantation)
hoddy-doddy (ams - an insgnificant person, a fool)
hodge podge (a stew of various ingredients, a mixture, also hotch-potch)
hoity-toity (thoughtless; giddy; patronizing)
hokey-cokey (a dance performed at parties for children and old folks)
hokey-pokey (colloq. for hocus-pocus)
holding folding (* adj. in possession of disposable cash)
holly-golly (ams - nonsense, boloney; also hully-gully)
hoochy-coochy (reference to acts of fornication, also hootchy-kootchy)
hoofer-doofer (* mechanical or electrical device, esp. tv remote control)
hotsy-potsy (comfortably stable or secure)
house mouse (selfexplanatory :-)
hubble-bubble (a kind of tobacco pipe; a kind of knot; also hubbly-bubbly)
hudder-mudder (ox) concealment, secresy
huff-duff (ox) a device for determining the direction of radio signals
hugger-mugger (to keep secret)
humpty-dumpty (a round and fat person)
hunkie-dunkie (ams - fine, ok)
hurdy-gurdy (a string instrument)
hurly-burly (a noisy activity)
hurry-durry (windy and rainy (obsolete))
hurry-scurry (a confused rush; turmoil; also hurry-skurry)
hustle-bustle (* a commotion, melee)
itsy-bitsy (tiny, also itty-bitty)
jeepers creepers (ams - an excl. of mild astonishment)
jeezy-peezy (ams - an expression of surprise or disgust)
jobsie-wobsie (ams - a job)
kicksie-wicksie (ams - a wife, a woman)
killer-diller (ams - an attractive person or thing)
lardy-dardy (rh, brit. - characterized by excessive elegance)
loosey-goosey (rh - relaxed)
lovey dovey (rh - amorously affectionate)
master blaster (am slang for a music presenter, broadcaster or producer)
mumbo jumbo (gibberish)
namby-pamby (weakly sentimental)
nasty-wasty (ams - wicked, mean)
night-light (dim light kept burning through the night)
niminy-piminy (too nice altogether)
nitty-gritty (rh - details of a matter)
okey-dokey (ok; also okie-dokie, okle-dokle)
ooly-drooly (ams - puppy love)
pall-mall (an old game; also a busy london street)
pally-wally (overtly showing friendship)
palsy-walsy (rh - intimate)
pell-mell (in mingled confusion;without distinction)
phonus bolonus (something or someone phoney; also phoney baloney)
piggy-wiggy (childishly selfish)
ping-wing (ams - an injection of narcotics)
pointy-jointy (the act of severing links with a companion, "an elbow")
poolsie-woolsie (ams - a game of rotation pool)
pooper-scooper (* a device used for cleaning up after dogs)
power-shower (a shower with a high volume flow)
prime time (ideal time (usually in broadcasting))
racket-jacket (ams - a jacket, zoot suit)
raggle-taggle (composed of diverse, often incongruous elements)
rangle-dangle (ams - festoon, a dangling ornament)
razzle-dazzle (to loiter, a state of confusion)
repple-depple (ams - a replacement depot for soldiers, also rep-dep)
rinky-dinky (ams - a cheap merchandise, junk; also rinky-dink)
rock jock (a big time rock climbing stud)
roly-poly (pudding; short and pudgy)
rootin'-tootin' (ams - noisy, boisterous)
rowdy-dowdy (ams - noise, rowdiness)
rumpy-pumpy (fornication, also rumpty-tumpty)
rusty-dusty (ams - anything not active or recently used)
sacky-dacky (ams - a bed)
shady lady (a woman of dubious or unknown virtue)
shakey quakey (a van that educate youngsters about earthquakes)
shock jock (* a radio broadcaster)
silly billy (rh - a clownish person)
slang.whang (ams - nonsense)
snail-mail (regular postal communication, as distinguished from e-mail)
soogie-moogie (ams - scrubbing paint work, also sujee-mujee)
space race (a rivalry between usa and ussr to explore space)
super-duper (of the greatest excellence; also sooper-dooper)
teenie-weenie (very small; minute; also "teeny-weeny", "teensy-weensy")
thriller-diller (ams - suspense movie or book; also thriller-chiller)
tootsie-wootsie (ams - an attractive girl, also tootsy-wootsy)
trance-dance (* musical style, a sub-genre of "rave")
tutti-frutti (a confection consisting of different kinds of fruits)
ubble-gubble (ams - a meaningless talk)
walkie-talkie (rh - a portable radio device)
wacky-backy (marijuana, more frequently as wacky-baccy)
whimsy-whamsy (ams - a whim, capriciousness, also whim-wham)
whooper-dooper (ams - a spree)
wild-child (br slang - a teenage girl who indulges in adult activities)
willy-nilly (having no regard for one's wishes)
wing-ding (a nervous seizure or fit induced by drugs, also whing-ding)
yock-dock (ams - narcotics, also yocky-dock)
zoot-soot (a suit of extreme cut; also zoot suit)
sacky-dacky (ams - a bed)
shady lady (a woman of dubious or unknown virtue)
shakey quakey (a van that educate youngsters about earthquakes)
shock jock (* a radio broadcaster)
silly billy (rh - a clownish person)
slang.whang (ams - nonsense)
snail-mail (regular postal communication, as distinguished from e-mail)
soogie-moogie (ams - scrubbing paint work, also sujee-mujee)
space race (a rivalry between usa and ussr to explore space)
super-duper (of the greatest excellence; also sooper-dooper)
teenie-weenie (very small; minute; also "teeny-weeny", "teensy-weensy")
thriller-diller (ams - suspense movie or book; also thriller-chiller)
tootsie-wootsie (ams - an attractive girl, also tootsy-wootsy)
trance-dance (* musical style, a sub-genre of "rave")
tutti-frutti (a confection consisting of different kinds of fruits)
ubble-gubble (ams - a meaningless talk)
walkie-talkie (rh - a portable radio device)
wacky-backy (marijuana, more frequently as wacky-baccy)
whimsy-whamsy (ams - a whim, capriciousness, also whim-wham)
whooper-dooper (ams - a spree)
wild-child (br slang - a teenage girl who indulges in adult activities)
willy-nilly (having no regard for one's wishes)
wing-ding (a nervous seizure or fit induced by drugs, also whing-ding)
yock-dock (ams - narcotics, also yocky-dock)
zoot-soot (a suit of extreme cut; also zoot suit)
words with an altered vowel變韻複合詞
bibble-babble (ams - a babble)
chatter-chitter (ams - idle talk)
chiff-chaff (a small grayish european warbler)
chit chat (indulge in a small talk)
criss-cross (to pass back and forth through or over)
dilly dally (to waste time)
ding-dong (ams - a bell; a heated argument)
dingle-dangle (ams - anything that dangles, the penis)
drip-drop (slow change or influence; attrition)
drizzle-drazzle (ams - drizzle)
flim flam (tricky, deceptive; to swindle)
flip-flop (a repeated sound of something loose - also flip-flap)
frizzle-frazzle (burnt, over-exposed to chem elements, unkempt (of hair))
higgle-haggle (to chaffer)
jibber-jabber (ams - to jabber)
jingle-jangle (ams - a money)
knick-knack (a petty trick)
mish mash (jumble, also mish-mosh)
nick-nack (a small or trivial article, also knick-knack, or nic-nac)
ping-pong (table tennis)
pitter-patter (a rapid rhythmical succession of light sounds and beats)
riff-raff (mean, trashy; rubbish)
scritch-scratch (with repeated scratching in writing)
shilly-shally (in an irresolute or hesitating manner; to waste time)
sing-song (singalong; having a melodic inflection)
slip-slop (messy, causing spillage; hurried, haphazard)
splish-splash (to fall with a repeated splashing sound)
tick tack (a sound made by a clock; also tick-tock or tic-tac)
tippetty-toppetty (tip-top, pristine, perfect)
tish-tosh (scots equivalent of "stuff and nonsense")
tittle-tattle (gossip; to talk idly; also diddle-daddle)
titter-totter (seesaw; teeter; also teeter-totter)
wibbly-wobbly (unsteady, intoxicated)
wiggle-waggle (ams - to sway, to gossip)
wishy-washy (thin and pale)
(often slang)變韻複合詞 (俚語)
amber-gambler (bre, a driver who moves off prematurely at traffic lights)
analysis paralysis (inaction resulting from undertaking excessive research)
beaver fever (an animal disease)
biscuit basket (goal net in ice-hockey)
bona-palona (vernacular for good, wholesome)
boob-tube (a garment; television)
brolly dolly (motorcycle racing groupie)
chip shop (a shop selling fast food of fish and chips)
choc-a-bloc (crammed full, loaded to capacity)
classy chassis (vulgar term for a comely female body)
culture vulture (a devotee of cultural pursuits)
dead head (a fan of the grateful dead)
firth of fourth (n sea inlet and estuary of river forth in scotland)
firth of fifth (a song by genesis)
flibberty gibbert (a gossip; a flighty woman)
foreshore (a beach)
fourscore (eighty)
four-door (having four doors - of cars)
fraud squad (a police charged with investigation defalcation)
gruesome twosome (a hideous, grisly or generally unpleasant duo)
hairy canary (having an aggressive posture; puffed up)
honky-tonk (a type of upright piano; a hostelry equipped with such)
italian stallion (an italian womanizer)
jiggery-pokery (tomfoolery, pranks, mischievous fun)
june moon (full moon on balmy nights of early summer, cf harvest moon)
lava java (strong javanese coffee)
legal eagle (a sharp lawyer with an aptitude for hair-splitting)
luvvy-dovey (affection being displayed in an exaggerated manner)
never-never (something forbidden, uk colloq a hire purchase)
niff-noff (male private member - colloq )
peely-wally (a fine scots expression meaning pale, sallow or pallid)
prize guys (prime males - those who have succeeded in competition)
rich bitch (a woman of means, who is usually meddling and malicious)
rolled gold (a type of gold plating or embellishment)
rope-a-dope (boxing term for mismatched contest)
rooty-toot (ams - old fashioned music, corny; also root-toot-toot)
shiny hiney (the back doors of a trailer)
soap on a rope (a popular toiletry of the 1970s)
spruce goose (h hughes' wooden flying boat; the world's largest aircraft)
stranger danger (a threat to children from malicious strangers)
stupid cupid (irrational or wilful fate operating in affairs of the heart)
super-trouper (a type of spotlight)
swap shop (a place of making exchanges in kind)
sweet meat (confectionery)
tart with a heart (woman of easy virtue who is nevertheless compassionate)
tone phone (a phone, each key of which generates a distinct audible tone)
topsy-turvy (in a state of confusion)
true blue )conservative, tory; patriotic)
user-chooser (an item that has been selected by the person who will use it)
wait state (neutral or equilibrium state in electronic circuitry)
wee free (a small gratuity or gift, a "freebie")
whipper snapper (a hubristic youth, an upstart)
white knight (a rescuer; in corporate take-overs)
wooly pully (a woolen pullover)
short words, i e 6-7 letters 短句
big wig (an important person)
bow-wow (ams - a dog, a sausage, a gun)
cop shop (a slang term for a police station)
crop-top (a garment cut short so as to expose the midriff)
fat cat (a wealthy person, a complacent and lethargic person)
hey day (a zenith, prime)
hip-hop (a musical style)
hob-nob (to socialize; also a kind of biscuit)
hot-pot (a stew, esp one made to traditional lancashire recipe)
hot shot (a marksman; conspicuously proficient practitioner)
hum drum (mundane, routine, pedestrian)
ill-will (malevolent predisposition; bad feeling)
jet set (those who regularly fly to international destination)
jim-jam (ams - to jam, to jazz up)
jim jams (jitters, also wim-wams; bre pyjamas)
kow-tow (to be too humble towards)
mau-mau (music or dance that is seen as base or uncivilised)
may day (a distress call)
mop-top (the head of a mop; a person with a luxuriant or unkempt hair)
nay-say (to vote "no")
nit-wit (a dimwit)
no-show (absence; absentee; to fail to attend)
old gold (a color or tint, esp in paper production)
pale ale (a type of weak beer)
pay-day (a day on which one receives remuneration)
pee wee (a person of short stature)
peg-leg (a wooden leg)
pic nic (an outdoor meal)
pot-shot (a speculative shot; an attempt to get "one for the pot")
pow-wow (a conference to discuss strategy)
rag mag (annual student publication for raising money during "rag week")
rag-tag (riff-raff, raggle-taggle)
row-dow (ams - an exaggerated syncopation in jazz)
rum-dum (ams - drunk, stupid from constant drinking)
sin-bin (a detention place in rugby league)
stun-gun (a gun for delivering incapacitating electrical charge)
swag bag (a receptacle for loot)
tip-top (excellent)
tit-bit (a morsel)
tow-dows (trousers)
toy-boy (a gigolo)
way-lay (to interrupt, ambush, divert or detain; to sidetrack or sideline)
wham-bam (ams - quickly and roughly, a quick intercourse)
wig wag (ams - a railway grade-crossing signal)
zig-zag (erratic motion, ams - a sexual intercourse, also yig-yag)
english words with -and-
bear and forbear (to suffer sth. disadvantageous instead of taking action)
bye and bye (in due course, attritively)
clerks and jerks (soldiers in other than front line units)
dribs and drabs (final sporadic instances, dregs)
flotsam and jetsam (goods and fittings jettisoned from a ship)
handbags and gladrags (attire worn at social functions)
high and dry (above the high water mark; stranded)
hire and fire (to employ and dismiss without compunction)
hither and thither (here and there)
huff and puff (endeavor)
highways and byways (all quarters, every part)
kith and kin (immediate family and clan)
name and shame (to publicise wrong-doing that is not strictly illegal)
odds and sods (bre odds and ends)
pay and display (a car park requiring purchasing and displaying a ticket)
rough and tough (uncouth, physical)
spick and span (clean and tidy)
thrills and spills (dramatic incidents)
wear and tear (normal depreciation)
whirl and hurl (an older amusement ride; usually "whirl-'n'-hurl")
wined and dined (fed and refreshed)
workers and shirkers (a description of the disparate attitudes to work)
作者: preikestolen (flying up high)   2016-05-20 08:51:00

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