大家好 最近上一個托福作文班,老師是個老外,他說英文句子可分為兩種 nominal sentence 和 verbal sentence 差別就像以下的兩句: Nominal: Lincoln's hope was for the preservation of the Union without war, but the South's attack on Fort Sumter made war an inevitability. Verbal: Lincoln hoped to preserve the Union without war, but the South attacked Fort Sumter, making war inevitable. 他說好文章應該多用Verbal sentence,我自己也是覺得Verbal讀起來較容易理解 但是我上網查了一下,發現有意見提到語言考試應該多用名詞句,真正要鍛練英文寫作才用動詞句 我目前的目標只是托福能拿4~5分,那是不是該多用名詞句呢? 而且名詞句的好處很明顯...字數比較多xD