有人問我 will & be going to 的區別, 所以上網整理資料,看到一題有趣的題目,來源: https://goo.gl/2tHQh5 5. I can't join you at the party, I ___ away for two weeks. a. am going to be b. will be 其他題的區別都蠻顯而易見的,唯有這題我不確定, 如果按照資料寫的"在講之前計畫好的",那應該是 be going to, 可是答案給 will be, 下面留言也有人在討論這題,不過沒有結論, 大家的看法如何?
C大是說這段嗎"Will is often used in a similar way tobe going to. Will is used when we are talking aboutsomething with absolute certainty. Be going to is used when we want to emphasise our decision or the evidence in the present:"我不太清楚c大說的動作是指哪裡呢應該說 這段好像沒有提到will 可以加狀態 be going to不行?
going to is used when we want to emphasise ourdecision, 也我所說的強調 to V它例句也寫了 will (the speaker state a fact)回到原問題,be away 只是未來的狀態個人淺見,恕不再回覆,我不想再這細節上無意義的爭論