請教版上先進, 如果要表達 "這人做的很多事情都是為做而做" => 有點像是做很多事但真的有用的較少 有點貶意,暗指這人花拳繡腿,刷存在感但實際有用的功勞很少。 如果直接說 He did lots of stuffs but most of them are not that valuable. 感覺跟中文想表達的還是不太一樣。 有沒有比較貼近中文原文的英文表達方法? 謝謝
作者: hasah (you are more than that) 2018-01-30 16:56:00
For the sake of doing thing. He only does things for thesake of doing something. Or, he does things to appearbusy. 前面貼近原本用語 但是我覺得後面意義比較通^"For the sake of doing thing"-> "..of doing something"