[文法] but和although

作者: kubturub (匿名)   2018-03-10 16:57:56
Businesses and jobs – such as professional typists, video store clerks, or
file clerks – are going out of existence. New ones are comping in, _____
probably not as quickly as the ones going out.
作者: SINORNITHOSA (sinornithosa)   2018-03-11 01:07:00
作者: kubturub (匿名)   2018-03-11 02:06:00
作者: SINORNITHOSA (sinornithosa)   2018-03-11 12:19:00
作者: kubturub (匿名)   2018-03-11 14:06:00
作者: SINORNITHOSA (sinornithosa)   2018-03-11 18:03:00
抱歉 我沒打清楚 although是從屬連接詞 後面接副詞子句
作者: eu1986 (BG)   2018-03-11 18:03:00
覺得although要放在new one那句才對
作者: SINORNITHOSA (sinornithosa)   2018-03-11 18:05:00
能接不是句子的連結詞 只有but and or
作者: eu1986 (BG)   2018-03-11 18:21:00
請問S大 本句but連接那兩個詞或子句 我拆解不出來 謝謝
作者: SINORNITHOSA (sinornithosa)   2018-03-11 20:17:00
new ones are coming in, but (new ones are) probably not as quickly as the ones going out括弧的地方省略掉了
作者: eu1986 (BG)   2018-03-11 21:15:00
as quickly as the ones 這一段算形容詞?
作者: SINORNITHOSA (sinornithosa)   2018-03-11 21:25:00
quickly副詞修飾are coming
作者: eu1986 (BG)   2018-03-11 22:02:00
作者: SINORNITHOSA (sinornithosa)   2018-03-11 23:07:00
you got it~
作者: dunchee (---)   2018-03-12 00:25:00
although 也對。參考https://tinyurl.com/ybkwvl22 英文語言/文法書籍https://tinyurl.com/y8kxb5hq The New York Times 的例although 是有這樣子的用法:https://tinyurl.com/y8tndlwp ->Usage Note 找When though introduces only .....但是原題目句子的"not"是代前頭整句(的否定):not: [new one are coming in]否定 ->{(new ones are) not (coming in)} {as quickly as ..}這跟Usage Note裡頭提到的"introduces only a part of aclause"不一樣題目原句子出自 Costco 的刊物(是用 but)。但是出題人沒注意到 although 也是正確用字

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