dongkee (非想)
2018-05-03 15:13:38很努力把摘要翻成英文了,但老師還是打槍,所以求助板上的諸位高手,請看哪一段句子
本論文主要探討雙向快速充電行動電源的設計,經由 USB Type-C接口提供最高15 W功率
晶片,透過微控制器Arduino Pro_Micro對鋰離子電池進行充電與放電功能的控制。對於
擁有USB Type-C接口的充電器、手機、平板…等可攜式充電裝置,可以達到15 W (5V3A)
軟體開發的部分是採用Arduino IDE(Arduino Integrated Development Environment),
This paper is proposed to design a "USB Type-C bidirectional fast charge power
bank" on Arduino. The Type-C port provides max 15W for mobile device. The har
dware architecture used an Arduino Pro_Micro Microcontroller. It control Type-
C detection chip and buck-boost power management chip for charging 5V3A and di
scharging 5V3A of lithium-ion battery. It can be applied many products with US
B Type-C interface, as Mobile phones, tablet and other smart devices. The appl
ication has fast charging effect to achieve 15W (5V3A).
The software was developed by using Arduino Integrated Development Environment
, the relevant grammar easy to understand. Most source code have been opened o
nline sharing of information for application. The user or developer can master
their own technology and ideas, no longer limited to the standard manufacture
r of software and hardware specifications and customization.