millieyao (F511打敗667及604變新歡)
2018-10-07 23:18:38我盡力了, 如果有錯請指正 >"<
※ 引述《Tedli0111 (泰德)》之銘言:
: https://youtu.be/o_Ye55yEItI
: (是YouTube,可安心點)
: What if I tell you, I make up your wish
told I'll wishes
: xx every tale come true
and fairytale comes
: What if I tell you the xx ~ ~ only heard by you
told bird's singing sorry that's
: What if I tell you, you could ride the
: rainbow and dance upon the moon
: What if I tell you the magic is real
told was
: Would you believe me
: ~~~~
I'll bring the cloud down for you
: 好像是amaze ~~~~
I 'll make the stars blink for you
: Do you believe in magic
: cause it will set you free
: Sometimes it's what you feel, and not just what you see
: Do you feel the world is moving and that magic get anywhere
words are this gets everywhere
: Do you believe in magic
: cause it will set you free