[請益] 這樣說對嗎?!

作者: howisfashion (丫丫)   2020-09-14 16:40:41
A: This week has been crazy so far.
I've had two tests and a quiz.
And it's only Wednesday!
B: I know.
It's gets really busy toward the end of the quarter.
作者: AirOctopus (AirOctopus)   2020-09-14 19:14:00
還只到禮拜三(還有禮拜四、五),就已經考那麼多試了quarter一般是指3個月(1/4年),美國學校通常分成Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter quarter,所以差不多就是指這個學期quarter快結束的意思。

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