正如同被水包圍的魚不知道已全身濕透,被媒體包圍的大眾,他們對世界的看法不知不覺 也被影響。 參考翻譯如下 Just like the fish surrounded by water do not know that they are soaked all over, the public surrounded by the media, their views of the world are also influenced unconsciously. 再請給予指教修正,謝謝
中文其實也不是很順,我改一下正如同被水包圍的魚,不知道已全身濕透,大眾對世界的看法也在媒體的包圍之中不知不覺地受到影響。Just like the fish, surrounded by water in which they don’t know they are soaked, the public’s views of the world, while surrounded by the media, are alsoinfluenced unconsciously.unconsciously這邊可能會比較適合用little by little或gradually