chind (秋夜微雨)
2022-09-18 17:25:48你問的問題其實非常難
離題一下 美國 英文最好的 不是英文系
是法律系...... 你問的是美國高教份子才相對能精準回答的問題
純粹語言 沒有相關背景 很難精準回答
我說說我的理解 但肯定有很多出入^^|||
※ 引述《PTTHappy (no)》之銘言:
: 反藍色是原始版(只找到介紹版而非全文版),反紅色是委員會通過版(有找到全文版)
: SEC.104.
: ...
: Directs the Secretary of State to negotiate the renaming of the "Taipei
: Economic and Cultural Representative Office" to the "Taiwan Representative
: Office" and adjust all references accordingly.
: SEC.104.
: (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS .—It is the sense of Congress that the United States,
: consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96–8; 22 U.S.C. 3301 et
: seq.) and the Six Assurances should—
: (1) ...
: (2) seek to enter into negotiations with the Taipei Economic and Cultural
: Representative Office torename the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative
: Office" in the United States as the "Taiwan Representative Office".
: 疑問一:通說通過版比原始版的強度稍微退讓。是指用seek取代direct嗎?seek比較讓行
: 政機關可以裁量?是否重點單字不是negotiate(那是指美國立場