trtr112 (pk)
2023-06-15 08:30:33※ 引述《trtr112 (pk)》之銘言:
: 想請教各位先進,
: 有一個句子:
: This place has no real valley, Lazaridis says of Waterloo, and very little
: silicon. But he believes it can become what he describes as the
: world’s “quantum hub.”
: 請問我可以說:
: This place has no real valley when Lazaridis says of Waterloo,and…. (加入
: when, 去掉velley 之後的逗點).
: 這樣的改法是可以的嗎?
: 謝謝!
1. 請問這句可以這樣改嗎?
a. When Lazaridis says of Waterloo, he says/thinks that this place
has no real valley and very little silicon. (加入when, 放句首)
(一直想要把 when 加入句子裡 XD)
b. Lazaridis says of Waterloo, "This place has no real valley and
very little silicon."
( b 句的改法是對的嗎?)
2. 這裡的 say of 可以用 mention 代替嗎?