XiYu (嘻YU)
2023-08-30 16:23:05版友們好,由於沒有老師可以請益,單純自讀練習作文,所以來版上尋求各位協助,希望各位可以多多指教,謝謝。
第一段寫Chat GPT具有優點及缺點呼應題目,
All around the world, more and more people start to use artificial intelligence to assist their work, including doctors in the hospital. Chat GPT, one of the most fomous AI service, while providing several advantages, is not without drawbacks, and thus must be handled with extreme caution.
With unlimited calculation ability, Chat GPT as a life saver can make contributions in several way, The fist beneficiary is those patients with acute pain syndrome. Chat GPT can take advantage as a computer, to think thousands times faster then human does, and capable of deciding treatment plan just in a bink of an eye. Moreover, Chat GPT is able to evaluate all the possibility from limited signs and symptoms, which doctors may oversight. Finally, Chat GPT being an application software loaded in a
computer, can easily connect to other medical equipment,so that it is able to evaluate the data which acquire from device like MRI, EKG, EMG,etc. By comparing these data to those in the cloud, Chat GPT can determine if a patient is sick without a doctor.
Chat GPT, nevertheless, does have some defect to be improved. First of all, Chat GPT is a new technique, therefore people might have concern about the correctness; what if Chat GPT gave a wrong answer, like misdiagnosis kidney cancer to herniated intervertebral discs. Beside from the accuracy of Chat GPT, sometimes, what patients need may not be merely doctor's treatmert. Instead, patient also need companionship from an actual human.
In short, Cat GPT maybe useful in hospital, not only it can help doctors to analize patients' condition, also improve the efficiency in the hospital. On the other hand, Chat GPT would never be independent. Every diagnosis and treatment gain from it should always be monitored and supervised by doctors so that doctors can provide patients with a flawless medical service.
ppm467 (GoodTimber)
2023-09-02 03:56:00As shadows doth cling to light's embrace, so too dostthe defects of this creation become evident. The question of accuracy, like the balance of the cosmos, dothhang in the air, as missteps and errors might cast doubt upon its counsel. The touch of human companionship,like the warmth of a hearth, is a sentiment that AI,no matter how advanced, may never replicate.To sum it thus, the tale unfolds with the yin andyang of potential and peril. Whilst Chat GPT may standas a sentinel of wisdom and expedience in the hallowed halls of healing, its power is but that of a tool wielded by the skilled hands of a physician. This harmonious duet betwixt machine and mind shall forever be the ballad of progress, sung throughout the annals of history.