Name: Ann Birthday: 29/04/1985 Hobbies: reading and seeing movies Occupation: working holiday How long have you been learning English? since junior high but almost abandoned it after university entrance exam... What does English mean to you? What do you like about it? Just feel fun in learning foreign language without pressure Any tips about learning English? Watch movies and series with English captions or without captions( still struggling) Any other information about yourself? I will finish my first year of working holiday in Australia soon. But my English ability didn't improved a much as I had expected during the past year. I feel a bit disappointed at myself. So I've decided to make more efforts on studying English. I'm glad that I've found this forum which I can meet others who are also interesting in learning English. Plus I am doing WWOOF in a farm for getting the 2nd year visa but except cooking and simple housekeeping I have nothing to do... I feel super bored so welcome to write to me! Let's practice writing together~ I also hope to find someone to practice speaking by line when I go back to civilization with wifi.( in a month...)
作者: f127809718 (網路駭客) 2014-01-13 13:01:00
Hi. Me,too. I don't hang out with people so often.I am in Canada. Same feeling. But I just want tolearn speaking. If you like to do with me, send memail.