[Talk] nobody but you

作者: castofwind (野狗又死了幾隻)   2015-05-30 15:32:12
She cursed on me in every way she can, especially exagerated at work.
My job is easy , therefore, all colledges needn't update any knowledge.
The content is so easy to the extent of feeling shamed.
She doesn't feel that , and everyday the dramatic farce plays again and again
I think tomorrow she may lash on me with her chart, saying that:
" see, you fucking bitch don't touch my chart, it's MY chart."
And no one dares to stare her just as she is the queen of this unit.
And she still thinks me a bitch and every behavior of mine is rediculous
and unacceptable, like a BLACK MARY.... (means a menial)
....Oh yes madamm....I think you are so angry and I annoyed you
too much to let your hairstyle become stylish as....me??
I think the ignorance and conceit of your behavior made me find the
material to practice my English...
I really want to watch your own episodes of farce, from 1 to end.
If this is beginning, I think I have the honor to see the ending,
until your hairstyle to be like mine due to every behavior of mine...

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