JHEWEI (yack)
2015-08-25 16:54:19Name:
Sense and enjoy beautiful/old stuffs and Artwork/music in good taste,
observe and analyze almost everything,
listen to BBC world service and PRI the world,
In conclusion, learning itself is right my favorite activity.
and no hell no, I don't like sport.
Occupation: (if you are a student, where/what you are studying)
Former job: Civil engineer.
Current job: Programmer.
How long have you been learning English?
Well, theoretically the answer will be...since 1st grade in
elementary school as most of you, lol.
But the true story is that I took around two years to make my spoken English
proficient, at least get no issue in daily conversation.
What does English mean to you? What do you like about it?
English does mean something to me...it's the key to access the true world.
One will be able to learn almost everything online and expand their
vision(at least for me) FOR FREE.
And one will also get another type of thinking pattern if he can eventually
think in English(it happens when one learns a new language.)
Any tips about learning English?
Any other information about yourself?
I'm a typicial INFJ in MBTI assessment, which is usually good at both
systemetic thinking and emotional perceiving, with which I'm able
to deeply understand left-brained and right-brained individual.
If you get some heavy stories or meaningful/productive topics in your mind
but don't find much people to share (I understand it always happens),
you will not regret to make friends with me.
My contact:
Line: elino1