[Ask ]Lyrics of a song

作者: manfirst (Vince)   2018-04-25 23:16:10
hi everyone
I really love a song named "crazy good womaan" by Cas Haley.
Espically the vesion from The Pier's Live Acoustic, as shown in the link below.
However, in this version, the lyrics is different from album's version.
I try to find out the lyrics by listening but still some sentences I cannot figure it out.
Could anyone help me to find the lyrics? Particularly the part from 2:52 to 3:18.
Here is what I think:
(2:52 ~ 3:18)
I'll never gonna let you go~
cuz a love like this give all our "time 給"!?
who's playing on the radio remine me all~ all the goood "time 給"!?
I wanna give you everything. baby dont yout dout my love.
I'll never gonna let you go~ no not no
It may be a little bit silly. What is that sound "time 給" really is?
Please help~ thinks!
作者: uopsdod (pcman)   2018-04-27 09:04:00
nice song ~
作者: manfirst (Vince)   2018-04-28 21:19:00
is "time gave" reasonable?
作者: SameID (只是分身)   2018-05-24 14:24:00
I think you're really close. My best guess is "time you gave"

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