Q: Seb, what are your plans for winter?
Ham: Another baby?
Vet: I don’t know. Quickly done!
If you need advice, I know how to do it.
Max: Keep pushing!
Vet: I don't know how long you two want to be in free practice…
Max: I like free practice.
※ 引述《hosichin (小星)》之銘言:
: 小黑在休息室的自拍,剛剛上傳了
: Vet跟Max理所當然都出現在小黑的IG限時動態離裡惹
: 有興趣可以去看XD
: http://i.imgur.com/dxS3NrG.jpg http://i.imgur.com/axEnI81.jpg
: 11個冠軍三位車手三個甜甜圈
: 來自官方的影片<3
: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqm9cs5hE2a
: https://streamable.com/4b6nl
: 新聞發布會問到對贊助商的忠誠,
: 小黑拿了Monster的能量飲料給Vet喝,Vet很無情的拒絕了
: Vettel: "No thanks. I rather take a Red Bull."
: Lewis: "Uhhhhh"
: Max: "The love is still there"