: Q. How important it is that you & Rafa are role models for so many people,
: kids, everybody. You inspire them. You make them desire greatness, whatever.
: So whenever you finish playing the tour, when that happens, are you planning
: on maybe writing a book or leaving more of your legacy so that people will
: continue to learn from you not only from what you did inside the court, but
: outside the court?
: FEDERER: I don't know if they're going to learn more by reading a book about
: me. I've been very cautious. People wanted to write a book about me many,
: many times and some of them have, but I have never really helped in any shape
: or form.
: I don't know. I feel like a lot of my life, I like it not secret, to be
: secret, but I like it that it's with the people that I've shared it with.
: It's intimate. I don't know. I'm not sure if I want to shout about it. I
: guess there are a lot of parts out there anyway, and you can compress it all
: together and put it together in a nice book. I'm not sure, so never say never.
: For now, we have pushback on all fronts not to do any books. I see maybe more
: a documentary, but that means invasion of privacy with my family, and I'm
: honestly not in the mood for that either.
: So I'm just tired of too many outside people in my life. I don't know. We'll
: have to see. But I'm happy to be a good role model. That's why I take time in
: the press to put on a good face and I give good answers, or try to give good
: answers, so the people have something nice to read about and get excited
: about tennis and sports. It's been a great life school for me, and I think
: for a lot of people as well it can be a great escape.
: Q. Playing such brilliant, attacking tennis now, and even defending very,
: very well, does that play into your feelings about the clay court season? Do
: you regret maybe not scheduling more clay? Do you feel you could play that
: style that you've been so successful with when it comes to Roland Garros?
: FEDERER: Well, I mean, I can still change my schedule so I don't regret
: anything. I've just only taken the decision, and I definitely took that into
: considering consideration. Like I said, I'm not 24 anymore. I have to pick my
: moments where I can peak and stay healthy.
: Also part of the situation was that my knee was really strange on the clay
: last year, so maybe being away from the clay as much as possible maybe is a
: good thing as well.
: Even though I don't think it was because of the clay as such, but my physio
: and fitness guy thought that that could be also a good thing, not being too
: much on clay. So I feel very comfortable and confident that it's the right
: decision. I did reconsider with the team what the schedule really was now
: that I've also won Indian Wells.
: At the end of the day, I need to look out for my health, that I'm happy in
: all parts of my life, personal, private, on-court life, professional life,
: and I can't keep this pace up on every single day. Just too much and I'll run
: out. The desire will run out.
: I would rather stay take a step back and then really come back with a lot of
: energy and happiness. Then I can share that with everybody. Otherwise you'll
: see me here and you will see that all I want to do is get out of here. I
: don't want to be that guy. I really don't.
: Q. We've spoken a lot about this comeback. Is it now officially over?
: FEDERER: Yes, I would think so. (Laughter.) The comeback is over. Still a
: comeback year, but I did say that until here, now, Miami, it was going to be
: still learning. It's the beginning. Let's see how the knee is going to feel
: in Australia. How is the body going to be in the Middle East? How is the body
: going to be west coast, east coast?
: There is a lot of traveling, and the knee can act funny when you travel and
: fly trans-Atlantic and all that stuff. It's not like I went home and all I
: did is take a warm shower. I had to do a lot of stretching, massage, and
: sleep well, all that stuff. I needed to be very professional to wake up every
: morning and be ready to compete.
: I'm happy that nothing major happened throughout this period. It's been a
: dream run on the court; off the court as well my body has reacted very well
: and I couldn't be happier, of course.
時起床、準備比賽,you know,我是個pro。
: Q. There is only two men that have won more tournaments in their career than
: you. You are 3 away from tying Ivan Lendl at 94; 18 away from Jimmy tying
: Connors. Is that partially your mind as you continue your tennis career?
: FEDERER: I mean, yeah, I guess it would be nice to reach 100 just because
: it's a good number. But then again, I'm not picking the easy ones to win, to
: be honest. I'm not going to play smaller tournaments just to chase that, as
: you can see. I'm even now taking a ten-week break.
: Like I said, health comes before everything, before every record at this
: point. But sure, this has been an incredible start winning three titles this
: year and none last year. Things are definitely better this year. But for
: those kind of numbers I need to stick around for a while and play very, very
: well at the high level. It's going to be difficult so we'll see what happens.
: 100 would be a great number, of course.
: http://tinyurl.com/llbxbey
: (* From Federer Family's FB)
: ============================================================================
: * 如果再奪溫網 19、美網 20,那就再完美不過了!!XDDD
: 有夢最美囉~~~球迷們都愛幻想~~~~XDDDDD