[外電] 勇士如何在選秀裡找到明日之星?

作者: IamGandalf (我是甘道夫)   2018-06-21 16:58:36
來源: The Mercury News
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yd65q7su
How Warriors have found gold at end of NBA draft
OAKLAND – Long before he became a three-time NBA champion and three-time
All-Star, Draymond Green showed signs he could become great.
It was six years ago, during Green’s pre-draft workout, and Warriors general
manager Bob Myers remembers one of the team’s assistant coaches saying Green
already is “one of the best defenders on our team.” Former Warriors
assistant general manager Travis Schlenk recalls Green blocking six
consecutive shots on perimeter players. And Myers hasn’t forgotten that Green
’s team won nearly every game partly because of his intensity and on-court
那是六年前,在Green選秀前的練習,勇士總管Bob Myers記得隊上的一個助理教練說到
So once the Warriors selected Green at No. 35 in the 2012 NBA draft, it did
not take long for Green to transform from a second-round pick to a proven
All-Star. Therefore, it only seemed fitting that Green has attended the team’
s pre-draft workouts this week. Green’s presence symbolized what’s possible
for the Warriors’ future No. 28 prospect.
“It’s a great story. He should tell that story,” Myers said. “It doesn’t
matter what number you are in the draft. There’s a lot of guys in the second
round or late first who have become really good players.”
Here’s another great story: the Warriors have helped those late-draft picks
become really good players.
Three years after the Warriors selected forward Kevon Looney No. 30 in the
2015 NBA draft, he could field strong interest from the Warriors and other
teams as an unrestricted free agent. The same thing might happen to
second-year forward Patrick McCaw, who will be a restricted free agent two
years after the Warriors paid the Milwaukee Bucks for the rights to the 38th
pick that was used on McCaw.
2015年以第30順位選上的前鋒Kevon Looney在三年後,會是非受限FA,他的表現讓勇士及
其他隊伍有興趣簽他。同樣的,二年級生Patrick MaCaw,那年是勇士公鹿買來的第38順位
Two years after they picked center Damian Jones at No. 30 on the 2016 NBA
draft, the Warriors expect Jones to have a significant role at the center
spot in his third season. A year after the Warriors paid Chicago $3.5 million
for a No. 38 pick on Jordan Bell, the Warriors could start Bell regularly
next season.
2016以第30順位選上的中鋒Damian Jones,勇士認為他會在接下來的第三年球季在中鋒上
扛起重要的角色。勇士去年付給公牛350萬鎂買來的Jordan Bell,勇士應該會在下一個球
The Warriors sounded sheepish about telling this story. They remained mindful
that their three NBA championship titles runs in the past four years largely
hinges on having Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and Green. After acquiring
Kevin Durant as a free agent in 2016, he has since collected two NBA titles
and two Finals MVP awards.
“You can almost plug and play anybody into our system,” Warriors assistant
general manager Larry Harris said. “When you have four of the greatest
players in the world on our team, you can almost add any draft pick and go, ‘
Can he work?’”
「幾乎可以隨便放進一個球員就可以跟我們的團隊運作了,」勇士現任助理GM Larry
Still, the Warriors have found those pieces work because of the qualities
each player has brought.
The Warriors have become impressed with Looney’s strong fundamentals with
both defensive rotations and knowledge of personnel. They remain intrigued
with McCaw’s upside as a wing defender and shooter. They like Jones’
potential as a mobile post player. They have liked Bell’s athleticism,
passing and improved decision-making.
The Warriors have suggested they also want to carve out a significant role
for the No. 28 pick, considering they only have a mid-level exception ($5.2
million) a bi-annual exception ($3.3 million) and veteran’s minimum
contracts to fill out their roster. With exception to Durant, the Warriors
are anticipating any combination of their pending free agents leaving,
including Looney, McCaw, Zaza Pachulia, Nick Young, JaVale McGee and David
West. And Myers said that Warriors majority owner Joe Lacob has given him
support to spend again in hopes to acquire draft picks.
West。Myers說勇士老闆Joe Lacob會對勇士想要從選秀上想要找的球員給予支持。
It appears likely the Warriors hope to select a wing player that offers
defensive versatility. It will become an added bonus if they can shoot. After
all, the Warriors already have top-heavy talent to handle the latter need.
Still, the’ Warriors thought process also echoed Green’s recent commentary
on prioritizing the playoffs over the regular season: “There are 82-game
players. Then there are 16-game players.”
“You’re not requiring that pick to necessarily go out and conquer the world
for you. What you’re asking for is to identify a player that can help you
with a certain skill level need that you have,” said NBA TV analyst Stu
Jackson, who will be part of the network’s draft coverage on Thursday. “It’
s incumbent upon the Golden State Warriors when you’re making that pick that
they find a guy they know is going to fill a need on a very good team.”
他有的特質是不是隊上所需要的,」NBA球評Stu Jackson說到,他將會部分負責本周的選
The Warriors have done that in recent years because of their extensive
research. Harris noted, “if we could open up their chests and check their
heart, there wouldn’t be many mistakes in the draft.” So instead, Harris
has spent his time watching at least a G-League game, an NBA game and at
least three college games each week. Though the Warriors have spent the past
week hosting four pre-draft workouts, Harris suggested the team’s background
checks and interviews during the pre-draft combine play a larger factor in
their draft selection.
助理GM Harris注意到,勇士過去幾次選秀成功主要是因為做好研究的關係,「如果可以把
“We’ve been fortunate. If you put somebody in a good home, chances are they
are going to be reared and raised well. We get that opportunity here,” Myers
said. “We’re looking for people that love basketball that want to work
hard. Nobody that you draft, if they’re not willing to get better or
actually do get better, you actually failed on the pick. We want guys that
are going to work hard. We think we do a pretty good job of that.”
Myers then backtracked his praise.
“We’re not perfect by any stretch,” he said. “Everybody can go back and
redraft. It’s a hard thing to do. People work very hard to get it right, but
you don’t get it right all the time. We’ve had some success. There are ones
we haven’t gotten right, too.”
For all the praise the Warriors received for selecting Green at No. 35, Myers
noted the team had drafted Festus Ezeli beforehand at No. 30. Their recent
draft selections also have experienced varying hiccups.
了Festus Ezeli,他們最近幾次選秀也有碰到釘子的時候。
Looney played only a combined 58 games through his first two NBA seasons
because of hip injuries. Despite a breakout rookie season in the 2017 NBA
playoffs, McCaw lacked the same consistency in his second year before
suffering a spine contusion injury that kept him out for the last six
regular-season games and the first 15 playoff contests. Jones has mostly
played with the Warriors’ G-League team in Santa Cruz. And Bell showed
varying success with his defensive rotations and work habits.
Still, the Warriors have helped those players address those weaknesses so
they can provide value.
“They picked guys that fit the team really well,” said Oregon forward
MiKyle McIntosh, who worked out with the Warriors on Tuesday. “They picked
guys that added more defense and athleticism to the team. I think they’re
doing a great job of picking the guys. Normally, they don’t get a high draft
pick. They just try to utilize their draft pick and use it to pick guys that
would fit their system perfectly. Maybe they’re not high profile guys or No.
1 draft picks. But they are guys that come in and are hard workers.”
Will the Warriors find another player that has those same qualities? They had
one last workout on Wednesday in hopes for more clarity, which included
Kentucky shooting guard Hamidou Diallo, Cincinnati shooting guard Jacob
Evans, North Carolina State shooting guard Allerik Freeman, Virginia shooting
guard Devon Hall, Central Arkansas point guard Jordan Howard and Duke
shooting guard Gary Trent Jr.
以得到更多線索,其中包括肯塔基得分後衛Hamidou Diallo,辛辛那提得分後衛Jocob
Evans,北卡州大得分後衛Allerik Freeman,維吉尼亞得分後衛Devon Hall,阿肯色中央
州大控衛Jordan Howard以及杜克得分後衛Gary Trent Jr.。
Green watched those workouts as well, providing a visible reminder on the
importance of not downplaying the significance of a late draft pick.
“He stopped saying that. Now he’s got his respect that he’s looking for,”
Myers said of Green. “He’ll still bring it up when it’s appropriate.”
That time could be now.
作者: cress0128 (普渡慈航)   2018-06-21 17:19:00
作者: onetooneya (candle)   2018-06-21 17:19:00
作者: arbcs (克萊湯普森)   2018-06-21 17:22:00
就等Jones開花結果了 Bell也是神選
作者: xiahself (XIAH JING)   2018-06-21 17:37:00
魯尼那段的knowledge of personnel 是說他跟工作人員很熟嗎
作者: PatrickMcCaw (NBA未來之星)   2018-06-21 18:23:00
當然寫 現在打得差不代表以前沒貢獻
作者: jlincredible (松山林書豪)   2018-06-21 19:55:00
真的猛 不像洋基那種只狂砸錢的那樣
作者: freshbox7 (小七)   2018-06-21 20:18:00
作者: hyperfrog (gugo)   2018-06-21 21:26:00
作者: curtismaniac (CTSC)   2018-06-21 22:10:00
推這篇 但說洋基狂砸錢這幾年是不是沒有看棒球!?看看洋基這幾年在mlb的操作 交易各種變魔術 空氣換球星 然後用自家的養成系統養出一大票球星 王牌LS法官 托天子都自己養出來的超級球星
作者: skygray2 ( )   2018-06-21 23:54:00
作者: pink80109 (Pink~)   2018-06-22 00:05:00
作者: tailau0 (台勞)   2018-06-22 00:27:00
作者: dk2486248 (暴風小雪)   2018-06-22 01:24:00
我們上季讓小馬打組織反而讓他猶豫不決 下季可能還是讓他回到專心在進攻和防守可能比較好
作者: ccu1002 (Ilovegakki)   2018-06-22 01:52:00
作者: d11111cm (始終洋基迷)   2018-06-22 04:04:00
今年mlb只有兩隊要交豪華稅 紅襪隊跟國民 今年洋基團隊薪資是排第七喔新版勞資協議超過要額外增加稅 超過太多還要丟最高順位選秀 最近幾年繳最多的道奇都清薪資不用繳稅了當然目的都是今年不用繳隔年可以重置 今年季後砸錢。 另外說一下大老闆過世給兒子接手後已經不太砸錢了 會認為洋基砸錢都是既定印象那有人會說這幾年洋基繳稅都只輸道奇啊 那是因為一些人簽長約的關係 例如A-ROD的10年約
作者: JL46 ( (′皿`)y-~ )   2018-06-22 16:54:00
這篇小的居然沒推,真是太不應該了,還請IamGandalf大見諒~(  ̄□ ̄)/ 向IamGandalf大敬禮! <( ̄ㄧ ̄ ) <( ̄ㄧ ̄ )
作者: IamGandalf (我是甘道夫)   2018-06-22 19:56:00
作者: JL46 ( (′皿`)y-~ )   2018-06-23 00:21:00
再次感謝IamGandalf大的優質翻譯文~ \( ̄︶ ̄)人(*′▽‵)/

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