原文: http://bit.ly/2v9gj2Y "Bob Myers provides update on where things stand between Warriors, Pat McCaw" 我來仿效甘道夫大大,貢獻一篇外電譯文。第一次上色,若上錯請批小力一點。 In late June, the Warriors extended Pat McCaw a qualifying offer (worth $1,744,951) to make him a restricted free agent. He is yet to sign an offer sheet with another team. If he does, the Warriors will have the ability to match. So where do things stand between McCaw and Golden State? 六月底勇士隊開給馬靠一份合格報價(值 $1,744,951) 使他成為受限自由球員,他還沒和任何球隊簽約,如果有,勇士可以匹配報價。 所以馬靠和勇士之間是什麼狀況? Warriors GM Bob Myers provided an update when talking to Tim Kawakami on the TK Show podcast: "We had some good talks in Las Vegas. We want Patrick back, but we understand that it's a process, just like they do. We hope it ends with him coming back as a Warrior. "That's our focus, that's our goal. Can't say right now what will happen, but that's our hope." 勇士經理霸伯‧邁爾斯在 TK Show podcast 上說: 「我們在拉斯維加斯聊得不錯,我們要他回來,但也了解這有個流程要走, 我們希望流程的結果是他回到勇士隊。」 「那是我們的焦點,那是我們的目標。難說將來會發生什麼,但那是我們的期盼。」 After a promising rookie season, McCaw